Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast!
June 14, 2024

Finding One-derland

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and...

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and can be exposed to natural light. 

SW 250, CW 225, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 199, GW 180

A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left?
Wired Magazine

The most exceptional laser specialist anywhere  
Jenny Burnley 
@Restored by Jenny

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis 


Finding One-derland

June 14, 2024

Finding One-derland

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and...

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and can be exposed to natural light. 

SW 250, CW 225, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 199, GW 180

A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left?
Wired Magazine

The most exceptional laser specialist anywhere  
Jenny Burnley 
@Restored by Jenny

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis 


Finding One-derland

June 14, 2024

Finding One-derland

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and...

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and can be exposed to natural light. 

SW 250, CW 225, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 199, GW 180

A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left?
Wired Magazine

The most exceptional laser specialist anywhere  
Jenny Burnley 
@Restored by Jenny

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis 


Finding One-derland

June 14, 2024

Finding One-derland

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and...

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and can be exposed to natural light. 

SW 250, CW 225, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 199, GW 180

A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left?
Wired Magazine

The most exceptional laser specialist anywhere  
Jenny Burnley 
@Restored by Jenny

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis 


Finding One-derland

June 14, 2024

Finding One-derland

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and...

Kami leaves for a 3+ week trip to Washington and forgets her meds at home and rediscovers the effects of marijuana, while Eva finally reaches the magical place called One-derland and schedules laser treatment to reveal that her legs do still exist and can be exposed to natural light. 

SW 250, CW 225, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 199, GW 180

A New Drug Switched Off My Appetite. What’s Left?
Wired Magazine

The most exceptional laser specialist anywhere  
Jenny Burnley 
@Restored by Jenny

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis 


Eva (00:06):
You are listening to Less of You. I'm Eva.

Kami (00:09):
My name is Kami.

Eva (00:10):
Come with us as we confront our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. You're in Washington, huh?

Kami (00:21):
Yeah, I've been here for two weeks and I go home on the 13th, so it's about three weeks. Yeah.

Eva (00:30):
That's a long trip.

Kami (00:31):
Yeah, so I stayed at my sister's in Bremerton, and now I'm over at my folks' house in so Lake, and we are going to go camping in Leavenworth this weekend. Do you know about Leavenworth?

Eva (00:45):
Yes, I've been there. Okay. It's beautiful. Did you ever know that North Bend tried to do what Leavenworth did and they just failed? So now there's like four buildings that look like German buildings and the rest are normal.

Kami (00:57):
Oh, I didn't know that.

Eva (00:59):
Fun fact.

Kami (01:00):
Fun fact.

Eva (01:02):
I want to ask you your observations about food while you're traveling, and I mean, you already did it once, but what feels different on the meds while you're away from home, especially in your mom's house where I have all kinds of extra feelings about food.

Kami (01:17):
So being at my sister's, she has an amazing father-in-Law. So her husband's parents live with them and they've got this big huge house on the lake and it's gorgeous and he doesn't work. So his job, so to speak, is doing all of the shopping and the cooking, and so when he makes a breakfast, it's like, I don't know, normally, like, oh yeah, I would've totally hoovered all that stuff in no problem. Now I'm like, eat half of it. I feel bad. I was like, just don't need to make me so much. But everything he cooks is totally delicious. So I feel like I ate a lot more over there than I do at my folks' house, but that's really the only difference. I also like confession time. Oh God. So I did not bring my medication on this trip

Eva (02:12):

Kami (02:13):
Yeah. Well, the last one wasn't as long. It was a week. It was fine, but this is longer, and I did all the prep for it, so I put it in the thermal lunch bag, and I even got my doctor to print me the prescriptions and I folded that up and put it in there, and I was like, oh, in the morning, I'm just going to grab an ice pack out of the freezer, plop it in, it'll be fine. And it was so early in the morning when we left that I just ran out the door and didn't realize it until we were halfway to the airport, and my husband was like, well, we don't have time to go back and get it. I'm like, I know. I know. We're I thought about having him overnight it to me, but the hassle of trying to find a way to keep it cold to overnight it with what the temperatures are now, I was just like, just don't worry about it. The truth of the matter is I have a backup plan, which is my Adderall that I take for a DHD also helps curb my appetite,

Eva (03:17):
I'm sure Dr. R backup plan,

Kami (03:21):
Hey, I take it as prescribed. So it does help when I'm taking that and I don't have the semaglutide, I just have to be more conscious and cognizant of what I'm eating and how much I'm eating and that kind of stuff.

Eva (03:39):
Are you getting on the scale?

Kami (03:41):
No, because I don't have one, but before I left, I hit the 25 pound mark, and I think you should share your success with that as well.

Eva (03:51):
Yes, Wonderland, I made it. Hey, look, ma, I made it and my daughter keeps asking me if she can watch my reel every day. She likes the song, so we keep looking. Really? Yeah. And so my appointment's tomorrow, and I just was looking at my tracker and I predicted last month. I was like, I'm going to be there by the time I see you next month. So I'm excited to go see Ashley tomorrow and show her that I did it, and she's going to say, so you done? And I'm going to be like, no, I'm not. I'm still overweight lady. I am finally overweight. We just cross over from obese to overweight. No, we're not done.

Kami (04:34):
I'm so proud of you.

Eva (04:36):
Yeah. Okay. 1 99 0.8 and this month was 4.8 pounds, so the stall is definitely gone, and my three month is 11.4, but one of those months was flat, so that's really two months, 11.4 in two months. So I'm back at pacing at about five pounds a month, which is great. I think that's fantastic.

Kami (05:00):
The other thing that, so this is more confession. The other thing that I did at my sister's house that I typically do not do on a regular basis is smoke some weed. So, well, it's legal here, and she's like, you want to come to the shed? I was like, what's in the shed? She's like, oh, we got all kinds of goodies. I was like, okay. So she has this little shed that they've converted into her office. It's got power and stuff, and it's so cute in there. And so I definitely did not anticipate the raging hunger that I would get.

I was like, I need to never do this again, because people talk about, Ooh, we get the munchies, and I was like, okay. The munchies is like, Ooh, I'm going to have some chips or some pretzels or snacky things. But me, it was like, I'm going to have a full enormous meal with a ton of bread, and then I'm going to go and have 14 bowls of ice cream, like that's where I was. I was like, this is not right. So I know that I'm going to have to really be way more conscious while I'm over here at my folks' house, which is nice because, you know my mom, she's so sweet, she's so supportive. She's just like, it's not like if I was like, oh, I'm not hungry, or, oh, I only want to eat half that. She's not the kind of person that's like, oh, well, are you sure? Do you want to eat more? Do you, you know what I mean? She's not like a feeder parent.

Eva (06:34):
Oh, she doesn't love you with food. That's so nice.

Kami (06:37):
Weird, right?

Eva (06:39):
Yeah. My parents were here all of last week. It was the first time. I mean, they saw me 40 pounds ago, December was the last time I saw them. And they both were very complimentary and very just super positive about it. My mom seems kind of curious, but I just was sort of not feeling talking about it very much.

Kami (07:04):

Eva (07:04):
And the funny question I seem to be getting a lot is, don't you just feel so amazing and I kind of don't. And then I kind of feel some cognitive dissonance, like why don't I feel amazing? Well, there's a couple of reasons. One is that I have a frozen shoulder, which is getting better, and I'm dealing with it. It's healing, but I can't really, it makes me not want to go work out or do stuff cuz I can't move my arm.

Kami (07:32):
Well, yeah, that would do it.

Eva (07:34):
Right? And then I don't know how I'm supposed to feel. What am I supposed to feel like? I love trying clothes on, and they just fit. I went to Costco and I bought, oh my gosh, this is the best Kami. I love this Vuori brand, and Costco has, this looks like a Vuori hoodie, even down to the strings. It was $14.99 at Costco.

Kami (07:58):
Oh, nice.

Eva (07:59):
And the pants are $12.99. Well, I bought the extra large pants and they're gigantic, and I have to go back and get the larges.

Kami (08:06):
Oh, well, you just send those over to me.

Eva (08:08):
Oh, yeah, I totally will. They're great.

Kami (08:10):
Because I also did some shopping at Costco for this trip, and I found these denim skirt, but it has the built-in shorts.

Eva (08:21):
Oh, yeah.

Kami (08:22):
Oh, this is perfect, I bought those. I bought the lunch bag shorts that they had all in an extra large, all fit, all just fit perfect. I was like, oh, this is nice. So a couple other pairs of shorts and just some lounge wear and that kind of stuff. So

Eva (08:37):
Did you see what I was doing yesterday on Instagram?

Kami (08:40):
No, I didn't. It's been a mess over here.

Eva (08:43):
I'm going to show you. Can you see that? I did a time lapse. This is Jenny, she does all my lasers and we've been friends for a really long time. So I finally got her to take all the red spots off my legs, and there's like a thousand, there's so many. I'll show you what my legs look like today in a minute. It's really crazy.

Kami (09:00):
Oh, wow. Yeah.

Eva (09:02):
So I was driving home and I was like, wait, I just made a video of my legs to put on Instagram. This is not something I would've done before.

Kami (09:13):
No Uhuh. No. I would've never even worn shorts before. And now mostly now I don't care, but I feel like, okay, I can not care and feel comfortable about it.

Eva (09:25):
I haven't worn shorts in decades. I mean, it is probably the nineties, the last time I actually wore shorts, maybe the early two thousands, but I just don't, that I didn't even have any.

Kami (09:40):
No, I didn't wear shorts for, I mean, the shortest I would go would be like Capri jeans.

Eva (09:44):
Yeah. Actually, my friends, my girlfriend's in Houston in the mid two thousands would make fun of me for wearing the cargo Capris, and that's all I wore. I had 'em in a million colors, and that was my uniform. It's all relative, but you know what else I've noticed? And tell me if you start seeing this too, is that an extra large now is a lot bigger than an extra large was 15 years ago?

Kami (10:11):
Oh. Yeah, absolutely.

Eva (10:12):
Because No way. At 200 pounds that I remember when I couldn't fit into this stuff anymore. And it's really changed a lot.

Kami (10:23):
Yeah. Oh, totally. And I used to work retail. I used to work in clothing stores, and so even from 10 years ago, it is just totally different.

Eva (10:32):
So you've been off now because you've been up there for three weeks. What are you two weeks off?

Kami (10:37):
I'm like two weeks out from last dose. So when I go back, I probably will ramp myself up again. So I probably won't take as much as I'm taking because if I take that dose right off of not being on it for, so while, I mean it's going to make me not well. So I'm already kind of thinking about, I was like, okay, well, I was at 30, so I probably should just do 15 for the first week when I get back, and then the next week, just for the next couple weeks, just get back up to normal. Other than that, we've been having a great time. My daughter has a little girlfriend here that's the neighbor's daughter, and they got to hang out and she got to spend the night. And so I'm still kind of tired because I just was so keyed up from doing so much stuff. I had a hard time sleeping last night, so I had to take extra sleeping medication. And so now I'm like, okay, I'm glad we're kind of just chilling today. Well, actually, we're going to go to the pool this afternoon. So my husband's cousin has a pool at her house, and the weather's actually decent today, so we're going to go to the pool and then I'm going to go to a barbecue at my girlfriend's house.

But traveling while trying to stay on a good eating routine is really not easy. You go to the airport and what do they have in the Hudson News got every kind of snack.

Eva (12:04):
Well, and you could pick something that you think is going to be completely fine, and then you would not be able to predict what it's going to do to your stomach. On my birthday, we went to my favorite restaurant, this is a month ago now, but we went to my favorite restaurant and I ordered all the favorite things that I always order, and within 15 minutes of finishing lunch before we even left, I was like, uh oh, I'll be right back.

Kami (12:30):
I made a huge mistake.

Eva (12:34):
It was with my next door neighbor. I'm sure she was like, you couldn't wait until you got home?

Kami (12:41):
Nope, nope,

Eva (12:42):
No, Nope. No waiting.

Kami (12:44):
That's so funny.

Eva (12:45):
I was reminding myself this morning, I take the calm gummies to keep everything from getting behind in the behind, and I haven't been taking 'em and I've really suffered and I need to get it back in my regular

Kami (13:03):
Schedule, regular schedule program.

Eva (13:05):
You really got to stay on top of that stuff. And the Tirzepatide, I remember there was this article in Wired, we can talk about whatever articles, I think I already brought this one up, it was such a huge, it had such a huge psychological impact on me. The guy just described being on Tirzepatide like floating through the world, impervious to its tasty charms, and that's how I feel. There's entire days that go by where I'm just like, did I eat? I don't really need to. I'll do it tomorrow.

Kami (13:36):
Well, that's not great, but

Eva (13:39):
I don't think it's great. I'm smart enough I think, to go eat something, but usually it's like half a yogurt at eight o'clock at night. Then I'm like, eh, I don't want anything else. So my parents were sort of looking at me, like, this is very weird.

Kami (13:59):
They were like, who are you? Body snatchers, what's happening?

Eva (14:04):
Yeah, yeah. It's really odd.

Kami (14:06):
Yeah. My dad did hamburgers and hot dogs on the barbecue, and the first thing he asked me was, how many do you want?

Eva (14:13):
Not, what do you want on your hot dog? But how many? And of course, I would have a hot dog and a hamburger in the old days, or I would have two Brats and maybe I'd have one without a bun to save some calories. But yeah, I mean, you just have one of everything. Those aren't our choices anymore.

Kami (14:32):
Just one cheeseburger is good for me, dad. He's like, okay,

Eva (14:36):
I love your dad so much.

Kami (14:38):
I know. Oh, God. But he wanted to make sure he was making enough for whoever wanted whatever. And I was like, yeah, just one. I'm good. But I literally just had just the cheeseburger there. He had chips and whatever other stuff, and it was really just like the three of us in Kordelia, so it wasn't a big a bunch of people or anything. But yeah, I was like, oh, I was really satisfied with just that one char grilled, beefy deliciousness. I was like, okay,

Eva (15:09):
Yeah, that's good.

Kami (15:11):
But everything else has been really great. I don't know what, I don't know just,

Eva (15:16):
Well, you told me about your Costco shopping excursion. Do you have any other non-scale victories that you want to share?

Kami (15:22):
I mean, not really, just because I've been, so just the last few weeks I've been so focused on getting packed, getting what do you take? And I told my mom, I was like, I'm packing very light, but I did what I did this time, which I thought was really cool. So I don't know if this is going to be a non-scale victory, but it's not really food related. But I got vacuum bags, and so what I did was I put all the clothing in the vacuum bags and it has a pump that pumps the air out. It's just a hand pump and smashed everything down really flat, put 'em all in there. It was great.

Eva (15:58):
Oh, you're going to have to send me whatever kind you use.

Kami (16:02):

Eva (16:02):
The ones I have require the vacuum, and I just never quite gets done.

Kami (16:06):
No, this one I got out on Amazon. I'll send you the link and it comes with the pump screws on to the bag, and then you just, boop boop, goes all the way down and yeah, it was great.

Eva (16:18):

Kami (16:19):
But I've been crocheting a lot too. Well, I just switched gears really fast. Whoa.

Eva (16:23):
Oh, crocheting is fun.

Kami (16:25):

I have four minutes till I have a meeting.


Eva (16:28):
I want to tell you my non-scale victory, and I want to show you my legs. I'm going to turn my camera off, cuz I have to take my pants down.

Kami (16:35):

Eva (16:36):
Yeah. Okay. But it's going to wait for it. It's going to be worth it. It's crazy looking.

Kami (16:40):

Eva (16:41):
All my necklaces, I used to have to get an extender and add the extender in the back, and I took the extender off. So it's like having all brand new jewelry. Everything is small. It's all the right size now. Isn't that wild?

Kami (16:56):
Oh, that's really cool.

Eva (16:57):
Yeah, so my jewelry, my rings, obviously, they go on and off really easily. My shoes, I put on a pair of shoes, sandals that have a buckle on the top, and I had to make them two notches smaller from last summer, so my feet got thinner. And of course about the hat, the hat thing, nobody believes me.

Kami (17:21):
My firend, she was just like, Kami, I listened to the episode about the hat. I was like, I know that hysterical. It was so funny.

Eva (17:32):
It's true.

Kami (17:34):
I bought this sterling silver ring and I was like, okay, it's still a little bit tight, but it's definitely a size smaller on this hand than I would've typically been able to buy. Because I wear lots of rings. It's kind of like my jewelry stuff, but being able to wear this the next size down was really cool.

Eva (17:53):
That is cool. Okay, I'm going to turn my camera off. I'm going to show you my legs. Hang on.

Kami (17:58):

Eva (17:59):
It's going to be awesome. Oh, it doesn't look nearly as bad on the camera as it doesn't real life, but yeah, they're like hundreds, hundreds and hundreds of red spots, and you can see how dark they are now that she hit 'em with the laser.

Kami (18:13):
Oh. So when that heals up, that'll just, how many treatments are you going to have to have?

Eva (18:18):
Just one.

Kami (18:19):
Oh really?

Eva (18:19):

Kami (18:21):
Does that work on? So I have a problem. I probably have more than one problem.

Eva (18:26):
Among others?

Kami (18:26):
But this other problem, so I had to have a C-section when Kordelia was born. And the scar till this day, six and a half years later, still bothers me. Is there any kind of laser treatment they can do on scars to make them soften up and not be painful?

Eva (18:45):
Definitely, microneedling usually.

Kami (18:47):
Because that's what I need.

Eva (18:49):
Yeah. We can look around for somebody that is near you that's good. And the person I go to is like a Sciton national trainer. She's been plastic surgeons go to her for training. She's the best in the business, and she happens to be one of my very good friends who was on the Instagram post, Jenny.

Kami (19:09):

Eva (19:10):
And so she used three different lasers. She used three different wavelengths. She was trying to get all the red, the brown in a couple of other weird spots, and she just is like, you know when you get a good cleaning lady and they can't not clean everything? She has to get every single spot and she has to get it the right way with the right thing so that it's gone. So within a couple of weeks, there shouldn't be anything left. I should have baby legs.

Kami (19:37):
Oh, nice. That's exciting.

Eva (19:40):
It is.

Kami (19:41):
Yeah. The scar still bothers me depending on what I'm doing. If I have to reach up to the top cabinet in my kitchen and I have to lean on the counter, the edge of the counter is right where that scar is. So I can't lean forward. I have to turn to the side and grab whatever and certain exercises I can't do. Yeah. So that's just been something I've been like, well, one day when I.

Eva (20:09):
Let's find somebody.

Kami (20:12):
Yeah, totally.

Eva (20:12):
Okay. I got to go to a really fun meeting about Google ads.

Kami (20:16):
Okay, well go do that. I'll text you my crochet projects. You're going to die.

Eva (20:20):
And the vacuum bags.

Kami (20:22):

Eva (20:22):

Kami (20:23):
Okay. Thank you.

Eva (20:25):
Say hi to your mom for me.

Kami (20:26):
I will.

Eva (20:27):
Okay. Bye.

Kami (20:29):
Alright, bye.

Eva (20:31):
Follow us on Instagram at Less of You podcast. Are you confronting the same challenges and have a story to tell? I'd love to hear your story on our Skinny Shot Stories podcast. Contact me for more details at If you're a doctor and would like to learn more about sponsoring this or any of our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, go to less of Less of You is a production of The Axis,