Oct. 28, 2024

It’s just a number, it doesn’t mean anything

Weigh yourself every day. Don’t weigh yourself every day. Only weigh yourself at the weigh-in. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Always weigh yourself at the same time every day. Take off your shoes. Don’t wear jeans to the...

Weigh yourself every day. Don’t weigh yourself every day. Only weigh yourself at the weigh-in. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom. Always weigh yourself at the same time every day. Take off your shoes. Don’t wear jeans to the weigh-in. Don’t drink a lot of water on your weigh-in day. Weigh in on Friday so you can cheat on the weekend. Go to your weigh-in in the morning and not the evening. You can eat whatever you want on cheat day. I only ate zero point food all week. I starved myself this week and I bet I lost TWO pounds. Take the stairs. Park far away.  Don’t drink your calories. Don’t eat after 7 pm. Eat this not that. Learn to do push-aways. Only eat 80% of what’s on your plate. Put your food on a smaller plate to make it look bigger. Drink a giant glass of water before you eat. Eat a salad first. Eat six small meals a day. Only eat between noon and 7 pm. Skip breakfast. Don’t skip breakfast. Drink a gallon of water a day. I carry my weight well. I’m big boned. 

KamiSW 250, CW 212, GW 150?

EvaSW 280, CW 193, GW 170

The viral cookbook: What to Cook When You Don't Feel Like Cooking by Caroline Chambers

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 

Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to podcasts@theaxis.io.

To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & updated regularly at lessofyou.com

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at theaxis.io. 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Eva (00:06):
You are listening to Less of You. I'm Eva.

Kami (00:09):
My name is Kami.

Eva (00:10):
Come with us as we confront our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. So this helicopter pilot might be calling me in about 20 minutes. So I just

Kami (00:24):
A helicopter pilot? Oh my God. Is it that bad? You've just got to fly away. Life is so terrible. You're like, okay, I got to find a helicopter pilot. He's just going to swoop in, take me off somewhere. It's not that bad baby.

Eva (00:42):
It would be nice. He's in California. For reals, I have a new customer and he's formerly a helicopter pilot.

Kami (00:50):

Eva (00:51):
For the president of the United States.

Kami (00:53):
You're lying.

Eva (00:53):
Does this sound like I'm making this up? It does. It sounds like I'm making it up.

Kami (00:56):
You're a liar.

Eva (00:58):
I'm not.

Kami (00:59):
You do not. Which president?

Eva (01:02):
Obama and Trump.

Kami (01:04):
Obama and Trump.

Eva (01:05):

Kami (01:06):
And he is retired. How is he your client? What's happening? Tell me everything.

Eva (01:10):
I can't. It's classified.

Kami (01:12):
Oh, that's such shit. I hate you. What the hell? You're like, oh, I have this cool tidbit of information, but I can't say, whatever. I have to kill you. It's fine. It's fine.

Eva (01:22):
What if he listens to the show and is like you were talking about me again. I can not talk about you.

Kami (01:29):
Well stop being so interesting and then we won't talk about you.

Eva (01:32):
You're the coolest person I'v ever met. How can I not talk about you?

Kami (01:36):
Oh my God. Well, let's do our numbers since it's been a hot minute since we've talked. We are behind. Life happened

Eva (01:45):
It sure. did.

Kami (01:46):
We got sidetracked. So you want to go first?

Eva (01:51):

Kami (01:52):
Is that beer that you just cracked opened?

Eva (01:54):
Ice, cold, liquid, death, mountain Water. Stop it. What is that? It's actually just water. It's very well marketed. Water.

Kami (02:03):
Why do you continue to lie every day?

Eva (02:05):
To keep you entertained?

Kami (02:08):
It's working. Okay. It's working. I'm drinking my frothy coffee, which is Have you, okay, so we're going to rabbit hole this for a minute. So I'm on Pinterest all the time because I can hoard without the clutter on Pinterest. And I came across this coffee recipe where you take two tablespoons of water, microwave it for 30 seconds, pour in instant coffee, two tablespoons of brown sugar, and then you get your frother like an electric little frothy thing, and you froth it up. And within less than a minute, it's all foamy and frothy, like cold brew kind of. And you pour that over ice with milk or oat milk or almond milk or whatever, and you have an instant frothy delicious coffee. And then I put in my peppermint mocha creamer and for a fraction of the price, I have a peppermint mocha. Thank you. You're welcome.

Eva (03:14):
And that concludes the recipe segment of today's.

Kami (03:18):
Yeah. It's so delicious. Anyways, okay, so sounds good. Do your numbers, cuz I want to know where you're at.

Eva (03:23):
I started at 280. My current weight is 193. I am coming up on the big 1, 0 0, which is crazy to me.

Kami (03:31):
That's awesome.

Eva (03:32):
So my total loss is at 87 pounds. Yes.

Kami (03:37):

Eva (03:38):
And I started in January of 2023.

Kami (03:41):
Nice. What's your goal? Are you still 170 something? Right?

Eva (03:46):
You know, Deborah said this to me the other day. You start wondering, if I lose too much, what's my face going to look like? And that's kind of where I am.

Kami (03:55):
You look great, to be fair.

Eva (03:57):
I have a really nice filter on this camera.

Kami (04:00):
Well, I can tell, like I started yesterday, I was like, oh my God, I'm getting Ozempic face. I thought that, and I have a different camera, but I thought that right here I was starting to get a little jowly because on this side it's really nice and smooth, but this side is not. And then I googled Ozempic face and I was like, all of it is like how to fix it. All of these doctors are like, well, this is what we need to do to fix your Ozempic face. I'm like, what? Now they're capitalizing on that too. Great. Okay. So anyways, I was like, this is not it. But I have a real weird little dry patch right here because I'm mid forties and everything is starting to dry up. And so I scrubbed it last night and then I put some Aquaphor on it overnight and it's better, but it's still dry.

Eva (04:50):
Aquaphor is good for everything, by the way.

Kami (04:52):
Oh, bathe in it. Bathe in it.

Eva (04:53):
Nobody told me before I had kids.

Kami (04:55):
Oh my God. It's the best thing ever invented.

Eva (04:58):
I know. I think my goal is 170 ish, 1 75 maybe. So that's like 20 ish more. But again, I sound like I'm complaining. My face is really going to need something. And I also have spent so much money on clothes. It is unbelievable. And I finally sorted all the bins of the old clothes.

Kami (05:20):
Yeah, I've been waiting for new clothes for months.

Eva (05:22):
I know. I can actually send you something now because I've sorted it and I've tagged it all by size and by category. And there's 12 bins, the big bins from Lowe's with the flip top lids. There's 12 of 'em and they're full.

Kami (05:40):
What the hell?

Eva (05:42):
It's two decades worth of clothes and I got rid of all the goodwill stuff. It's all gone. So what's left is all the nice stuff.

Kami (05:48):
The good stuff. Yeah.

Eva (05:50):
I left a pair of pants at Maureen's house last weekend. I was like, here, these don't fit. You can have 'em.

Kami (05:55):
Oh, you got to see Maureen. Hi Maureen.

Eva (05:58):
Maureen and I went to the gay wedding together.

Kami (06:02):
I want to go to a gay wedding.

Eva (06:02):
And I got to go to her office to TriMedX in self center.

Kami (06:06):
Is it so amazing?

Eva (06:08):
It is so amazing. It's so warm and friendly. And I met Christine, her provider, and I met Mel, her MA. And one of my favorite parts was a patient was there and he walked out of her office and I looked up and I said, well, hello person that I know.

Kami (06:31):
Shut up. You knew him?

Eva (06:32):
I totally did. And then we were all like, oh look, hipaa.

Kami (06:36):
Oh my God.

Eva (06:39):
She told me later she was worried about us recognizing each other.

Kami (06:44):

Eva (06:45):
But it was fine.

Kami (06:45):
Maureen was worried?

Eva (06:47):
Well, you just want to keep your patient's privacy.You don't know.

Kami (06:50):
Yeah, that's true.

Eva (06:50):
But it's so beautiful. The office is gorgeous and it looks right out at Nordstrom.

Kami (06:57):
Of course it does. So you're like, yep. So you got your goals in sight. Your new clothes goals.

Eva (07:04):
You just make it a trip every time you go to your appointment and you go across the street, buy some new clothes.

Kami (07:10):
Hey, nothing wrong with it.

Eva (07:12):
And the wedding was fun. We had a good time. It was so cold that I had to put hand warmers inside my shoes to keep my feet warm.

Kami (07:20):
Stop. It was in Seattle? Was that cold there?

Eva (07:23):
In Ravensdale? It was chilly. I mean there was no heat. It was sort of indoors. It was like in a big barn.

Kami (07:31):
Oh, okay. Alright.

Eva (07:35):
In the morning that day, I spent weeks trying to figure out what to wear and I never found anything I was happy with. And in the morning I went shopping in Chehalis, you know it's known for its fashion,

Kami (07:53):

Eva (07:54):
Weirdly, there's this little boutique downtown Chehalis called Gracie's, and I was there in the summertime and I loved it. It was like everything in there was my brand.

Kami (08:02):

Eva (08:02):
So this is the point I've reached in my life where the clothing store in Chehalis is my favorite clothing store. What is this?

Kami (08:15):
That's, hey you know, it is what it is, you're not in the same place you were before and you're grown up and doing adult things and you find a store that you like freaking stick with it.

Eva (08:30):
And they're so good to me in there. She helped me redo my whole outfit. I got black, really cute black pants. They're a size 10 and everything I had was a 12, so it was all uncomfortable and saggy and the booty.

Kami (08:42):
You're in a 10 now?

Eva (08:43):
I'm in a 10, yeah.

Kami (08:45):
Wow good. Oh, I need to do my numbers.

Eva (08:47):
Yeah, go.

Kami (08:48):
So started at 250. I am at 212. I've lost 38 pounds. I think my goal is still going to be 150. And the reason being is I feel like, okay, if I get to 150 and I fluctuate 10 pounds here and there is not going to be a huge deal. So I'd rather have some wiggle room, so to speak. I don't know. That's kind of what I'm thinking. Okay. Let's get back to your Chehalis thing. Did you find an outfit for this wedding?

Eva (09:27):
Yeah, I got a gorgeous ivory colored long sweater and I wore a black long sleeve shirt under it. So had two layers. I was really worried that I was going to be cold and I was right. I was super cold and it was perfect. So I just did that and then I gave Maureen my pants that were too big and she texted me a couple of days later and said they fit.

Kami (09:48):

Eva (09:50):
Yes. But they're probably too long. Yeah, they were too long.

Kami (09:52):
Well, yeah, she's a shorty.

Eva (09:54):

Kami (09:55):
Well shorty.

Eva (09:55):
It was lovely. I brought Kari with me.

Kami (09:58):
Yeah. Does she love it?

Eva (09:59):
Yeah. I mean, not to the wedding, I brought her to my sister-in-law's house, and so she got to hang out with her cousins all weekend and goats and dogs and cats. And she carried the cats around babies for three days and she was just in Kari Heaven. Yeah, it was good.

Kami (10:14):

Eva (10:15):
And all of that. I've been grateful to be out of town. I was in Minnesota and then I was in San Diego and then Washington kind of back to back.

The weekend. I was in Minnesota, as you already know, but the audience may not. That was when my neighbor who's come up on the show, I think once before was a domestic violence victim who then took her own life. So being away from home was actually really a relief. I spent all this time for the last year looking over her, looking out for her, looking over across at her house, making sure she was okay, writing down what was going on, supporting her and loving her and caring for her and her kids. And so that's been really rough. And from the point of view of our own behavior in, you know I was in therapy this morning and she asked me, how's your eating? And I thought, my first thought was, oh, in the old days I would've been binging.

Kami (11:16):
Oh, a hundred percent.

Eva (11:16):
But now I'm not eating at all.

Kami (11:19):
That's not good either.

Eva (11:20):
No, they're both bad.

Kami (11:20):
Yeah. Finding balance is the hardest fucking thing in life. Just in case anybody doesn't know.

Eva (11:29):
Yes. Okay. Dropping wisdom.

Kami (11:30):
So hard. Yes. It's just really difficult. How are you doing now? Are you feeling like, I mean, because a loss and we should honor that and

Eva (11:43):
It's going to take a while. It gets better every day. I think once he's fully moved out and there's some kind of

Kami (11:51):
He is moving out?

Eva (11:52):
Yeah, he has to.

Kami (11:53):
They're moving somewhere else?

Eva (11:55):
Well, they're gone. Nobody's living there now, but the stuff's there. So they're been trying to figure out, the neighbor up there called the landlord finally and said, you got to do something about this.

Kami (12:09):
They don't own that house?

Eva (12:10):
No. They were renting.

Kami (12:11):
And the landlord didn't know any of this shenanigans going on?

Eva (12:16):
My understanding is he did, but he wasn't doing anything about it. And he apologized to the neighbor up there for being so neglectful.

Kami (12:24):

Eva (12:25):
So he did some things to help her. I can't want to go into great detail.

Kami (12:32):
Sure. Yeah.

Eva (12:32):
She needed something to happen up there so that she didn't have to look at a certain thing every single day that was related to the incident. And I'm sorry for being so cryptic, but I hate it so much that I can't. So anyway, he's been helpful. And it sounds like the eviction of what is the timeframe, 60 days?

Kami (12:53):
Each state is different.

Eva (12:55):
So whatever that is, it's in progress. So he's going to run the clock out, I'm sure.

Kami (13:03):
So the kids now live with the father and they live somewhere else and not in that house. And so he's just going to wait until they get all their stuff out and

Eva (13:10):
He's been coming and going and getting his junk and moving junk out. But I know, I mean his jet ski is still up there, so I'm sure he's going to come back for that.

Kami (13:24):
Well, dear, I know that was really hard on you and I'm so sorry it happened.

Eva (13:28):
I don't wish what happened to them or my worst enemy. It was just so tragic. Pivot. Let's pivot. Maureen and I had a really interesting debate about getting on the scale, and it started with her telling me her husband has a weigh in day. And I used to do this. I did Weight Watchers forever, and the weigh in was such a big deal and you would wear the clothes that were the lightest and you would take the shoes off. And sometimes I'd take

Kami (13:53):
Make sure your poop before you go.

Eva (13:55):
Totally. What time of day do you go to class? So you get the best weigh in.

Kami (14:01):
That's why you always go to the ones in the morning.

Eva (14:03):
Yeah, right. You'd get in there and you'd be up a half a pound and it would just destroy your week and your momentum and the psychology around this whole weigh in was I think way, way, way too heavy.

And it had so much importance and it should not be that important. The weight is the weight. It's going to fluctuate every day. And at some point, probably 30 years too late for me, I started weighing myself every day after I got up in the morning with my pajamas on and doing it every day made me turn it into just a number. And I started to see the patterns when my body was high, I could understand why. And it always coincided with the thing that happens every month, and when it was low, it just starts to make more sense when you do it every day. And so that's what I do now. I don't make a big deal out of it. It just is what it is. Even when I was at 280, I did it every day because it's just data. It's just a number.

Kami (15:07):
I don't do it every day.

Eva (15:09):
Yeah. I want to know what you do.

Kami (15:10):
So I literally weigh myself before we have our sessions. That's it. Just so that I can report my numbers. Otherwise I don't, cuz I'm to the point where I haven't felt like I've needed to purchase clothes because a lot of the stuff that I had was already getting really tight anyways. So I'm probably a small 16 right now. That's what the size all my jeans were. And a lot of them were couldn't zip up. So I was probably like in a 18 jean and now I'm on my way to the next size down.

Eva (15:51):
Hey, the other day the team asked me, are you okay with us showing this video of you pulling your pants down? And I was like, yeah, I wouldn't have recorded it if I wasn't okay with it. So I'm just telling you that because you just I saw your underwear.

Kami (16:07):
Yeah, they're real cute. You want to see 'em again?

Eva (16:09):
Not really.

Kami (16:10):
Okay. No, they got little shiba inus on them. I get all my undies from Cheek Boss.

Eva (16:17):
Yeah. They need to sponsor us because this is.

Kami (16:19):
Yeah. In case they want to sponsor us. Literally, that's all I wear. Cheek Boss, they're the boy shorts. They're super comfy.

Eva (16:26):
I'll see if they have an affiliate program and then we can link to your shiba inu underwear.

Kami (16:32):

Eva (16:33):
But we're going back and making video episodes of all the past episodes and it's been really fun to watch because we are a lot bigger when we started.

Kami (16:43):
I know. Yes. You can absolutely tell both of us in the face for sure. And I also feel like I'm starting to have a neck again. Do you feel like that too? I was like, oh

Eva (16:54):
Yeah, wait till you have a collarbone.

Kami (16:56):
Oh my God. I like how you talk dirty to me. Yeah. So I'm almost like, oh, I'm feeling like, I dunno why that would make a difference, but it apparently does. I dunno.

Eva (17:09):
In San Diego, I was recording for two straight days. I was standing kind of in the aisle at the trade show and I was looking down the aisle at a doctor I know really well, really well for many years. Starts walking toward me and I'm looking at him. I go, Josh, a doctor, I know so well that I call him by his first name. There's about three of those in the world. He's looking at me, he's just looking at me completely blank. I go Josh. I said Josh four times in a row, I said, Josh,. He got all the way up to me and had to look at my badge to figure out who I was.

Kami (17:51):
Wow, that's crazy. But did he come to his senses and was like, oh my God, Eva?

Eva (17:59):
Yeah, exactly.

Kami (18:01):

Eva (18:01):
Yep. Highlight of the weekend.

Kami (18:04):
Oh man, that's good. Oh my God. Can we please talk about what you texted me yesterday?

Eva (18:11):

Kami (18:12):
Okay. I'm just going to read the text message.

Eva (18:14):

Kami (18:15):
Okay. Because it was basically the highlight of my week. Okay. Oh my God, you guys, this is so rich. You don't even know. So I get this text and it says, dude, I just microwaved a salad for three minutes thinking it was soup and it was a really old salad too. I can't even tell you what the smell is like. It's so bad. Just literally had to stop everything I was doing and I laughed so hard and then I was telling my husband about it. I was like, oh my god, Eva, text me dude, and it was the best thing that I've ever. And he was like, clearly didn't strike him as humorous as it actually was. And I was like, no, you don't understand, this is really funny shit. This is why we are friends, because that's absolutely something I would fucking do.

Eva (19:13):
It was a Greek salad. It was so awful.

Kami (19:17):
I can't even imagine. Three minutes? You know how long that is in a microwave? That's like eternity.

Eva (19:26):
I know. But

Kami (19:27):
Three minutes

Eva (19:27):
The soup, because the soup I was heating up was really dense and I knew it needed all three minutes.

Kami (19:35):
Did you have to throw away the container? I would imagine. I would've been like, nope, this is garbage. I'm not even going to wash this.

Eva (19:39):
No, it was one of my good Tupperwares.

Kami (19:41):
Oh God. So you cleaned it?

Eva (19:45):

Kami (19:46):
Oh God, no. I would've been like, I don't care. Wow.

Eva (19:51):
This is the stuff, apparently when you have trauma or grief, this is the kind of stuff you do.

Kami (20:00):
It's true.

Eva (20:01):
I forgot two totally important appointments this week in a row. I microwaved a salad.

Kami (20:07):
Microwaved a salad.

Eva (20:08):
It was gross. But I got to tell you about this salad because this thing is incredible also from my favorite cookbook by Caroline Chambers. What to Cook When You Don't Feel Like Cooking?

Kami (20:17):
Looking for sponsors. Go. Okay.

Eva (20:18):
Still. I'll put the link in the show notes. If you buy it, I get like 25 cents. If you use my link. It's called the Pita Greek Pita Chicken chop. And it is so good. Like cucumbers.

Kami (20:37):
Cucumbers, okay. Is there more than one ingredient?

Eva (20:40):
Tomatoes, cucumbers.

Kami (20:40):
I would imagine olives, onions.

Eva (20:42):
Red onions. No olives.

Kami (20:45):
How can it be Greek and no olives? I hate olives by the way, but.

Eva (20:49):
No, there's no olives in it.

Kami (20:50):
I think Greek salad and I think feta olives.

Eva (20:53):
Oh yeah, there's feta in there, but no, I don't think there's any olives in it.

Kami (20:58):
You can add olives. We'll allow this go.

Eva (21:01):
But then the yummy part is you toast pita bread and chop that up, and then you drop the pita bread in the salad and it's like a chopped salad now and it's so refreshing and delicious. Chicken, the chicken too.

Kami (21:18):
That sounds good. Yeah. Yeah. I got some more rotisserie chicken I need to turn into a salad.

Eva (21:22):
Oh yeah.

Kami (21:24):
That sounds actually good.

Eva (21:25):
Good idea.

Kami (21:27):
Oh, what's happened to me? So I've been kind of running around a crazy person. I actually had a job interview this morning.

Eva (21:35):
What? Another one?

Kami (21:35):
Yes. Well, okay, so I've been doing this real estate thing, which is great. I got my license and I was like, I'm going to do some transaction management. And so wasn't actually really looking for something, it kind of just fell in my lap. One of my former coworkers text me and she's like, Hey, my company, it really needs employees. You would be perfect for this job. And I was like, oh, well, because I'm not really making an actual steady paycheck right now. And I interviewed for them. It's an ID verification company for property managers. So if you went to an apartment or you need ID verification, they work with lenders like mortgage companies and property management type of people. So this would be an onboarding position.

Eva (22:28):
It's not checker, is it?

Kami (22:29):
No. Anyways, so I interviewed this morning and it actually went really well and they want me to do a test, which is basically where I go and record a onboarding, instructional onboarding video. So that's what I'm going to do here after we're done. I was like, well, it's a good thing I have all this good audio recording equipment for this thing. I was like, okay. So I got to figure that out, but it would be fully remote Monday to Friday, and I can still do all my real estate things whenever I want, basically. So that's kind of what I'm looking at doing.

Eva (23:07):
So people who buy that software would have an appointment with you to onboard and to using it.

Kami (23:15):
Yep. So I just teach 'em how to use it, verify that they're actually using it and that kind of stuff. But because I've got such a long background in real estate and property management things kind of makes me a good candidate. So besides the woman that I worked with and my former company, she and I are very good friends, so she's already vouching for me and I basically work on her team, so I'm like, alright. Anyways, so we'll see if that all pans out. Oh God. What else? I feel like there's more, there's more.

Eva (23:53):
There's always more. I will tell you I'm very glad we always record these on Friday, which is great. No, do we?

Kami (24:00):
Normally Thursdays, or Fridays depending on if we have, but yeah,

Eva (24:05):
And it's kind of like the grind part of the year. It's not quite the holidays, everything, the schedule is really intense with kids and the driving. And one of Kari's classmates today has a birthday party and it's a foam party. So I get to take the kids to a foam party at five.

Kami (24:20):

Eva (24:22):

Kami (24:23):
Well, Kordelia's birthday party. So Kordelia turned seven on Monday, seven the heck. And she was like, we've been celebrating for weeks already because she went to Arizona, so she was in Arizona for a week with her dad and his dad and stepmom, and of course they have party and a cake and presents and then she comes back and then she gets presents on her actual birthday, which was Monday. But of course I can let her open a present the day before. Because she's like, I know there's presents, right? I'm like, oh god. And then the next day there's more presents because she opens the gifts, all the gifts from his side of the family, and then the next day she opens all the gifts from my mom and our side of the family, and then the next day she's like, is there any more presents? I'm like, no, nothing else until your actual party, which is tomorrow. So I'm taking her to a pumpkin patch where they'll have hayride, corn maze, that kind of thing. And so I'm super excited about that. I bought her a mommy and me journal. I'll have to send you the link to it. It's the cutest freaking thing and it's basically where you and your daughter journal together and so it's pretty simple. They can write if they know how to read and write, they can do that or they can write pictures and she's excited. We've done it every single night or we just, it'll ask, You know you're a part of our family if you love this or if you hate this or it's so cute.

Eva (26:00):
Yeah, I would love to get one of those. That sounds great.

Kami (26:03):
Yeah, I'll send you the link. I got it on Amazon. So any rate, any weird side effects, anything bothering you?

Eva (26:14):
No. I mean it's not me. There's a Tirzepatide compounding situation going on where a bunch of the compounding pharmacies have taken it offline so the providers can't buy it. And in Texas, somebody filed a lawsuit and got that, got it reinstated. So it's still available for now, but I am going to see my primary care next week and I'm going to get a regular prescription from her and I'm going to see what happens if I try to fill it, how much is it going to cost me if I have to switch to the branded version versus the compounded version. So we're kind of keeping an eye on that and I expect that if my doctor can't get it, then nobody can get it cuz he's such a large customer. So I have both of those appointments next week, so by the time we come back I'll have some kind of update on that. I know a lot of people are watching that because I mean, the idea that there's not a shortage is a little bit ludicrous. There's definitely a shortage because all of us who are on it know there's a shortage and the lawsuit said they didn't give patients enough time to find alternatives, which is absolutely true. There was tons of people just like, wait, what? I can't get my medication now?

So remains to be seen. It does bring back the terror of what will I do when I can't get this anymore? Or alternatively, when am I going to not want to pay $500 a month to be on this? What will I do then? It's all the fear of being off of it. I don't ever want to be off of it again.

Kami (27:56):
Yeah, I'm kind of curious to see how I'm going to react to it when it's time to move on or I know we had talked about microdosing or just going down to a much lower weekly dosage, but I'm kind of curious what that'll look like.

Eva (28:20):
What's it called when you, stream of consciousness, on Thanksgiving this morning, I was thinking about Thanksgiving hosting this year, and I was just thinking about

Kami (28:31):
I am too.

Eva (28:32):
How grateful I am that I don't care about food. I can just eat food, but I don't have to, like I just would plan the menu for weeks and I'd go to all these different places to get all these different things and just so much energy.

Kami (28:50):
It took up so much of your brain. Yeah, I don't do that. I don't really like to cook. So mostly when we do host, my husband does all that. So I do like the desserts. I will make a pumpkin pie from scratch, the whole thing, the crust, the whole nine yards. Maybe I'll do that again. I kind of can only do one thing at a time in my schedule. So I'm like, okay, fall break, Kordelia's birthday, Kordelia's birthday party. Okay, so once I get past this weekend, then the next thing is Halloween, which is not a huge deal, there's a few things we can do for that. So I probably won't really start worrying about it until the first week of November, and that's fine.

Eva (29:38):
Well, before we even get to the Thanksgiving, we've got the Halloween and the Halloween candy and that whole thing coming.

Kami (29:44):
Oh my God. So you know what I did? Okay, this is confession time. I got party favors for Kordelia's party tomorrow and I ordered a bag of candy and I put candies in them, but first I pulled all the candy out of it that I like and I set it aside because I was like, these kids are not getting airheads, they are not getting smarties, those are for me. How old am I? That's what I'd like to know. So I totally, totally did that.

Eva (30:17):
It'll be interesting to see if you actually eat them because food hoarding is one thing I can get that our brain still is going to do that thing. I mean, I bought the giant size pack at Costco yesterday of the caramels that, I used to binge these caramels. I go to the grocery store and get, eat the whole bag. I couldn't stop.

Kami (30:37):
Well, so the little, they're mini, so they're airheads that are this big or mini because that's something that I would be like, oh, I'd eat six or eight of 'em. And so I don't think that I will eat as many as frequently, so they'll probably just last a lot longer. That's what I predict.

Eva (30:57):
Oh, the pilot's calling.

Kami (30:59):
I'll let you move on to more important people than me. It's fine.

Eva (31:05):
I mean, he was a pilot for the President of the United States. You're more important to me though.

Kami (31:13):
Oh, thanks. It's fine.

Eva (31:17):
See you next Friday.

Kami (31:18):
Okay baby. Love you the most. Talk to you later.

Eva (31:21):
Okay, bye. Follow us on Instagram @LessofYoupodcast. Are you confronting the same challenges and have a story to tell? I'd love to hear your story on our Skinny Shot Stories podcast. Contact me for more details at skinnyshotstories.com. If you're a doctor and would like to learn more about sponsoring this or any of our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, go to LessofYou.com. Less of You is a production of The Axis, theaxis.io.