Nov. 15, 2024

No plans to binge

Still blowing money on groceries we end up tossing, planning the menu for Thanksgiving but not planning to binge eat, and excited to have full houses. 

Somehow 100 people subscribed to us on YouTube. We don’t know why, but thanks! Here’s where to...

Still blowing money on groceries we end up tossing, planning the menu for Thanksgiving but not planning to binge eat, and excited to have full houses. 

Somehow 100 people subscribed to us on YouTube. We don’t know why, but thanks! Here’s where to subscribe if you haven’t already.

SW 250, CW 211, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 192, GW 175

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place.
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Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Kami (00:00):
So how have you been?

Eva (00:02):
Pretty good.

Kami (00:03):

Eva (00:03):
Did you get your new microphone arm hooked up?

Kami (00:07):
No, I sure did not. I am doing a lot of panic cleaning because I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year and I've been thinking about it. Of course, we've been planning it for a very long time, and I'm just now being like, oh, I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year.

Eva (00:28):
Yes, I calculated yesterday that we have three weeks. We have three weeks. We're okay.

Kami (00:32):
Yeah. So I'm like, okay. So I am been kind of distracted with getting my kitchen organized, and I'm doing not just regular cleaning. I'm pulling everything out of the cabinets and throwing away expired food and re-organizing, and just trying to make it so that when everyone's here, we know where everything is and it'll still be a chaotic and wonderful, but

Eva (01:05):
I also agreed to host, and I did not just agree to host, but my niece, whose name is America,

Kami (01:14):
Right on.

Eva (01:16):
She's stationed at Fort Hood because she joined the Army, which is an hour away. So I said, Hey America, you got any friends who want to come for Thanksgiving? And she said, okay, she's 18. Okay. She goes, yes, there's a whole bunch of kids that I take care of here, and I would love to bring them. I was like, you're so, you're just so good. You take care of little kids. They're all the same age as you, but okay.

Kami (01:40):
Right. I was like, oh my, okay,

Eva (01:45):
So we're going to have grunts giving here.

Kami (01:49):
I love it. Put those kids to work.

Eva (01:50):
I'm pretty excited about it.

Kami (01:51):
Make them do something. You got a shed that needs to be painted or something. Make them do something

Eva (01:56):
Right. All of you start washing the windows with newspaper immediately.

Kami (02:02):

Eva (02:04):
Those windows. See those windows?

Kami (02:06):
You see my baseboards. Dust 'em. Okay, do it. Yeah.

Eva (02:12):
We did this once before when one of our former lacrosse players was in the Navy and he was stationed for a moment in San Antonio, and we did the same thing when my husband drove down there and picked him and his friends up, and then we stuffed them silly, and then we sent all the leftovers home with them and you'd have thought they were in heaven. They were the happiest kids. They just loved it.

Kami (02:39):
That's great.

Eva (02:39):
I'm excited about it. I'm looking forward to it. I don't know how many I'm going to get. I also am getting my brother-in-law and his wife, and he is ex-army.

Kami (02:51):

Eva (02:54):
I also learned this morning, he will be bringing a wild turkey, the animal, not the alcohol.

Kami (03:02):
Oh, I was like, that sounds great. So wild as in alive or.

Eva (03:10):

Kami (03:10):
Okay, so already butchered.

Eva (03:11):
As in I hunted it, hunted it and killed it myself.

Kami (03:14):
Hey, you know what? I bet that's going to taste delicious.

Eva (03:18):
Yeah. We're going to have a turkey taste test. My turkey versus his turkey.

Kami (03:22):
Oh my gosh. See who wins. That's a slippery slope dear.

Eva (03:26):
I'm confident.

Kami (03:32):
How are you doing on your numbers?

Eva (03:38):
You know what? The unfortunate reality is that sugar does not help you lose weight. Yeah. I'm not sure if you knew that.

Kami (03:46):
I may have heard that somewhere.

Eva (03:47):
But this morning I was at 192, and that was with one week of not drinking any Juice Land and just focusing on needing more protein in the morning. That's all I did.

Kami (03:58):
Oh, that's good.

Eva (03:59):
Yeah. So if you must know, my starting weight was 280 something. My current weight is 192. My goal weight is 175 ish. How about you?

Kami (04:17):
250 to start, I am at 211, so I've lost 39 pounds. I got on the scale, I was like, give me the 40 pounds today. Geez. Just wasn't happening. I was like 211.4. I was like, you asshole. Stupid scale. Anyways, goal weight, my original goal weight was 150, and I think I'm still going for that. Some of I've had, it's been a rough go these last few weeks with this fire that we had, and it has caused me a lot of anxiety and depression, and I'm just generally, I mean, I know I sound like i'll perky and everything's great, but it's not good. So I'm trying to just not pile too many things on my plate and delegate tasks to people that can handle it, that don't have to be me. So that is proving a lot more difficult than I anticipated.

I'm like, all right, well, I'm working on menu for Thanksgiving, and then I'm thinking, well, I don't really have enough dishes to feed everyone so I have to buy, so it's not just getting the food, it's getting all the dishes that I need. And I was like, I'm not doing Thanksgiving. If it was any other time of the year, I'd be like, y'all are getting Winn Dixie paper plates and you're going to love it, but I'm not doing that this year or for Thanksgiving. If it was a barbecue, it'd be different.

Eva (06:05):
There's still little fancy in you?

Kami (06:05):
Just a teeny, a wee wee bit. But I think I'm going to just head up some thrift stores and see if I can find some kind of fun, cool, eclectic stuff for cheap, and then I'll probably just leave it in the, so we're going to have it in the clubhouse at my condo, and so I'll just donate them to the clubhouse. Not like I don't have room in my house for more stuff, so I'll do that. But I guess serving dishes, and then you got to think, okay, what's going to go in what dish and okay, do I have enough spoons and enough lads and enough all the things for all. I got to get a couple of crockpots. We're doing some drinks. So just all that stuff is rolling around my brain. I did have a nice chat with my dad yesterday about the menu, and I was like, okay, I'm thinking of doing this, this, and this.

My husband loves to cook too, but I was like, what do you think we should do for our menu? He was like, I don't know, whatever. It was no help at all. So I was like, okay, got to call dad. So I was like, we should do this and this. I found some, I have a really old cookbook from a Betty Crocker cookbook from 1969. What I love about it is that there'll be old fashioned recipes in the 1969 cookbook. I was like, that's,

Eva (07:34):
They call 'em.

Kami (07:35):

Eva (07:35):
They say they're old fashioned in there?

Kami (07:38):
Yes. The title of the recipe. Yes. The title of the recipe is Old Fashioned Pumpkin Pie. I'm like, how ancient is this recipe? So I just thought it was cute. So I was going through that and I found some recipes in there, and then some things my dad recommended. So we put the menu together. So now I got to do the ingredient list and then do all the shopping, and I got to get, I'm going to make a Parmesan encrusted walnuts. Are you a walnut person? Not really. Alright.

Eva (08:17):
Could go either way.

Kami (08:18):
Okay. But anyway, so I was like, but walnut's, like goodbye. Now they're not going to go bad in whatever time. So I'm trying to pace myself so that I don't have to do all the shopping all in one day because if I do that, I will definitely forget something.

Eva (08:35):
I always do build these huge orders online, and I have them in several places, so I'm always checking prices on things that they both have, and I've gotten a really, I have a spreadsheet. You can have my Thanksgiving spreadsheet if you want. It's actually, I've used it every year and I update it a little bit every year. But I kind of gave up doing everything when the kids were really little. I still like hosting, but I don't like being in the kitchen for 36 hours across three days.

Kami (09:07):
Well, so what I'm trying to do is prep stuff. So because the clubhouse has a full kitchen, so I can be baking two different things at once. I can be in my oven and that oven, but there's going to be some things that can be done the day before. I'm going to do a Waldorf salad that I could do. And the pies, I'll bake those probably a couple days before. So that kind of stuff.

Eva (09:36):
I just buy pie.

Kami (09:38):
I make my own pies from scratch. It's a whole thing. I do the whole pumpkin. I bake the pumpkin, scrape it all out, do the puree that I can do now, and chuck it in the freezer, and then it's all ready to go.

Eva (09:52):
Well, that actually sounds like fun if you were doing it now.

Kami (09:57):
So I could make the pie filling now and just put it in the freezer and then just take it out and plunk it in the, I'll probably do my pie crust from scratch too, because you, yeah, I do.

Eva (10:10):

Kami (10:12):
Yeah, it's really not as hard as you think that it would be, but I'm going to try a different apple pie recipe. It's going to be cran apple cranberry with apples with cranberry sauce in it, which I'll get my husband to make the cranberry sauce from scratch. He does all that. He's really good with that. So anyways, that's what's going on with me.

Eva (10:36):
We've been really sick over here, but not all at the same time.

Kami (10:40):
Oh, that's great.

Eva (10:41):
Last Friday was that Friday? Gosh, it feels like, well, first my older daughter had the barfing. I think we talked about that. Then the little one had the barfing, then dad had the barfing, and then I thought I, I had it, I don't know. On Tuesday I thought I had it because I could not function. It was like the worst malaise, and it lasted for one day. Maybe it was the election. I don't know.

Kami (11:12):
It could have been. It made me sick. I mean,

Eva (11:15):

Kami (11:16):
I was a little ill.

Eva (11:18):
I went to bed really early and I just pretty much ignored it. What can you do at that point anyway,

Kami (11:23):
Nothing Uhuh.

Eva (11:23):
And at about, I woke up at four 10 on Wednesday morning, and here's me, I'm looking sideways at the phone.

Kami (11:37):
You're like, I don't.

Eva (11:37):
In the dark, I can see a text from the Debra.

Kami (11:44):
Oh god.

Eva (11:45):
With 17 emojis on it.

Kami (11:47):
Right. She's very excited, I'm sure.

Eva (11:49):
Yes. So I knew what happened. That's how I knew what happened.

Kami (11:58):
That's hysterical.

Eva (11:59):
And I felt great by Wednesday.

Kami (12:00):
The Debra did not text me about that.

Eva (12:03):
Probably not.

Kami (12:03):
She just text you. It's fine.

Eva (12:07):
She had all kinds of funny stuff for me on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Kami (12:10):
Oh, that's good.

Eva (12:10):
She was cracking me up.

Kami (12:12):
Yeah. That's hysterical.

Eva (12:13):
When we reach the honey badger phase of our life, we're close, but your mom, she does not give a fuck.

Kami (12:19):
No, not even a single one. She was way past that. It's pretty great. I mean, I look forward to that. I feel like I'm coming up on it.

Eva (12:31):
Speaking of swear words, I was like, oh, I'm not supposed to be saying those words. Get this one, on Wednesday I go to pick up Kari at gymnastics after school, and I walk into, they are in the arts and crafts room, and so I walk up behind her and she's sitting with her friends writing on a piece of paper, and they're coloring and drawing, and I think, oh, what nice handwriting. And then I read the list and it goes, there's five words on her list, the B word, the F word, ass, anus and something else. Shit.

Kami (13:10):
What? No.

Eva (13:11):
Five swear words is what is on this piece of paper. And I go, what is this? The coaches walk over and her coach goes, Kari, all of you in the other room now. And she interrogated those girls. I was in there with her. I was just standing there like this. And so Kari is crying her head off. She is so upset. The other three girls are like, I didn't do anything. I was just coloring and Angel's like, yeah, right. So anyway, 15 minutes of interrogating, we're getting later and later and later for where we're supposed to be. And Kari never says a word. I get her in the car and I'm like, I didn't even know you knew words like that. Kari, your, she's seven.

Kami (14:07):
Oh, my daughter knows them to be clear. Yes. She doesn't know how to spell them or write them down or share them with people.

Eva (14:12):
In beautiful handwriting.

Kami (14:15):
Right? No, she doesn't do that. But she will drop a bomb every once in a while. And I've told her, and I've probably said this before, but the rules are she can say whatever she wants at home. She just can't say any of that stuff at school or near her grandparents.

Eva (14:33):
That's basically what the coach said was, I can't control what you say at home, but you can't say it here. You can't write it here. You can't even think about it here.

Kami (14:43):
That's so random. A 7-year-old knows how to spell anus.

Eva (14:48):
Well, to be fair, that's the one word she spelled wrong.

Kami (14:51):
Oh my God. Wow. So cute. I'll be like, well, honey.

Eva (15:02):

Kami (15:07):
A-N-I? Okay.

Eva (15:07):
Phonetically, totally makes sense. So she cried all the way to lacrosse. I finally got her to tell me how did this happen? And one of her other friends was doing it not the same day, but had been writing, who has an older brother, had been writing bad words on little pieces of paper to make them laugh. And this is just what they do. It's normal stuff. And so she started doing it that day and they started laughing. And so she was like, oh, I'm funny. Let me write some more dirty words. Right. So when they got caught

Kami (15:47):
So she fessed up eventually?

Eva (15:48):
She did. She owned it. She was honest.

Kami (15:51):
Oh funny. You're like, all right.

Eva (15:53):
Well, and someone else the next day was like, did you save the paper?

Kami (15:59):
I would've been like, this is going in your baby book. Okay. This is classic.

Eva (16:05):
I might ask if she saved it at the gym. I might ask the coach. Can I have that paper just because it's funny? Yeah. The other theme of the week, I mean, that was sort of our one weird kid thing that happened this week. The other one was, they're obsessed with Michael Jackson, and so they've been doing these Michael Jackson, they put his songs on every night and dance for an hour in the living room. They ask me in the morning on the way to school, mom, can you play Beat It? Mom, can you play Billie Jean? Mom, can you play Bad? So Kari and I are reading Who was Michael Jackson, which is an excellent book.

Kami (16:46):

Eva (16:47):
Yep. Every night. And I learned last night that Michael Jackson, I guess I sort of knew this, bought the entire Beatles catalog for $47 million, and then I think within a few years it was worth today it's worth a billion dollars. He doubled his money very quickly. People told him he was crazy and he shouldn't do it, and he did it anyway. Paul McCartney called him and was like, can we have some of our money back? And he was like, no.

Kami (17:14):
He's like, man, you got to eat, dude. What are you doing?

Eva (17:16):
Yeah. So we're learning all of our Michael Jackson facts this week, and we've got some good outfits from the Halloween clearance that are working very well for this theme.

Kami (17:28):
Oh nice.

Eva (17:29):

Kami (17:29):
Yeah. That's funny.

Eva (17:32):
Yeah, it's good. And then the only, I mean, this is really an audience thing. I just want to say thank you that we've got a hundreds of subscribers on YouTube already. Somehow,

Kami (17:41):

Eva (17:44):
a hundred people want to hear what we have to say.

Kami (17:46):
That's amazing.I love it. Yay. First 100. Woo. That's really cool. I sure probably subscribe too, maybe.

Eva (17:57):
Whoa, 101. Like and subscribe. If you're listening, like subscribe, like and subscribe.

Kami (18:06):
Yeah. Give us a thumbs up, hit the bell, whatever else they say on YouTube.

Eva (18:12):
Yeah. My children, they don't watch a lot of YouTube, but they definitely are hearing the messaging because Ellie was sitting there watching something, the other probably Barbies having babies pregnant Barbies or some, weird category like that. And she looks at me and she goes, mom, don't forget to like and subscribe. What?

Kami (18:36):

Eva (18:36):
Yeah. The other great thing she said this week, and the Michael Jackson was she's watching the Billie Jean video, and do you remember this one where he's dancing on those squares that light up?

Kami (18:47):
Yes. That light up? Yes.

Eva (18:47):
Okay. Well, do you remember his shoes? They look like white socks.

Kami (18:50):

Eva (18:51):
Yeah. She goes, mom, well, actually was, we were at lacrosse, she had headphones on, so she's yelling this. You have to imagine that she's yelling, watching Billie Jean and yelling, mom, Michael Jackson's wearing socks so his feet don't get cold. She thinks they're socks. She's very logical.

Kami (19:12):
Yeah. That's hysterical.

Eva (19:16):
Yeah. I wrote that one down in my book because it was so funny. She's so cute. She's so cute.

Kami (19:22):
Oh, that's awesome.

Eva (19:23):
How are your ladies?

Kami (19:27):
Oh, good. Oh yeah, mom, daughter, neighbor update? Yes, ma, I haven't been over there, cuz I think they're at a extended stay and they're working on finding a permanent in an apartment, but they got a rental car, so they have transportation, and that's pretty much all that I can do. So she really wants to get into the house to start salvaging stuff. The fire marshals said they can't go in until the investigation's been completed. After that, they'll be off to the races. They're going to probably salvage whatever they can out of it, and then we'll work on starting to demo the building and rebuilding it. Meanwhile, I'm still working on filing suit against the insurance company for not giving enough money for this other fire.

Eva (20:29):
So this is the worst game where they don't give you the money and then wait and see if you complain and make you fight for it when all they should really do is just not make it this hard.

Kami (20:41):
Right. So that is that. So I just have a lot going on. But anyways, I guess I'm done complaining. Thank you for listening, all of our listeners hearing me, bitch and moan about my first world problems. Appreciate you.

Eva (21:04):
Let's come back to Thanksgiving for a second, because last year was my first year being on medication, and normally where I would be planning for an absolute free for all and just not even thinking twice about overeating, not just on the day, but leading up to it, and after it.

Kami (21:27):
Well, you got to prep. You can't just go in, not warmed up. You got to prep for that shit. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So this will be interesting because I'm still in the point where I am having to force myself to eat because I go and I do this thing. I don't know if you've done this where you just go and you open the refrigerator and you're not hungry and nothing in there sounds good, but you just open the refrigerator and look inside anyways. Oh yeah, I'm doing that all the time. I'm like, you're not hungry. And then I'll be like, okay, close the refrigerator door. Then I go open the pantry and I look in there. There's nothing in there that I want. I'm absolutely not hungry, but it's like, is it just, I'm doing it out of habit? I've just done that for so long where you just are like, you know what I mean?

Eva (22:30):
Yeah, I do.

Kami (22:31):
I was like, okay, well, I hope that some of our listeners and excuse me, can relate to that because I'm like, and we have good stuff. I mean, we've got a kid, I got nilla wafers, I got Cheeto puffs, I got some good snacks. And then I find myself, and this is super weird, craving vegetables, and I think that we talked about this before where I was like, I don't want a cookie. I want to munch on a celery stick, and I don't know if that's because my body's craving something to eat and process, but I'm not hungry. So I was like, well, maybe that's why it wants to just eat something that's super low calories just to get in the habit of it. I feel like I'm talking in circles, but so I was like, okay, like yesterday for lunch, I had a salad, which I was just like, oh, that salad looks really good.

Eva (23:42):
That's got to be the weirdest thing about the whole thing is that, I would've forced myself to eat it before, and now I look at it and it looks absolutely amazing.

Kami (23:53):
Isn't that weird?

Eva (23:54):
I eat salads. I would've never ordered salad for dinner anywhere.

Kami (24:00):
Absolutely fucking not.

Eva (24:01):
Unless it was an appetizer. I got a salad to start.

Kami (24:05):
It came with the fricking steak that you and fries or whatever that you ordered, and you're like, okay.

Eva (24:11):
But like an actual salad for dinner. No, I met friends for dinner and someone picked Torchy's tacos, and I was just like, I don't even want to go to this, if that's where we're eating. There is nothing on that menu that I want. And so one out for me is sort of like, well, I just won't get anything. I'll just go enjoy my friends, cuz I can do that. I can do that without eating, without even thinking about it now. But I didn't really eat that day, so I was kind of like, I got to eat something and I've picked a salad, picked a salad. It looked at all the Taco, burrito, quesadilla choices, and I was like, eh, just going to get some lettuce.

Kami (24:55):
I was like, it really does work on your brain. It's great. Well, today, so one of our former neighbors lives out in the country, and she has a bunch of ducks, so she'll bring me duck eggs. Have you ever had duck eggs?

Yeah. If you ever do, or to the wise, you can't, you got to cook 'em on a lower temperature than you would cook chicken eggs, and they cook a lot faster. But the yolks are enormous, and they're so good. They just taste so good. And so I had three duck eggs scrambled with some hash brown potatoes that I chopped up, and I ate all of it, and I felt like so sick afterwards. It was so much food. Oh my gosh, I was like, I really should not have done, I could have probably done half of the amount of potatoes and maybe one or two of the eggs, and I would've been fine.

And then one of the contractors that came around, he's like, Hey, you want to go get lunch? And I'm like, what? No, but I went with him anyways, and he's like, you don't want anything. And I was like, give me that, they had the peppermint chocolate peppermint milkshake, and they're like, would you like a mini medium or large? Mini, mini. I'll take the small one. And it was so delicious, and I ate this, I mean, this thing was maybe 12 ounces, so for a milkshake, the small, and I ate maybe a quarter of it, and I threw it in the trash on our way out. I was not going to eat the rest of it. That would've never ever happened before.

Eva (26:51):

Kami (26:51):
Absolutely. I would've been like ate, that whole thing, sucked it all down, and I would've ordered second lunch, while I was there. Weird, so weird. I'm like, what was I doing? What was I doing before?

Eva (27:14):
I don't know.

Kami (27:17):
Yeah. So that's really one of the things that's kind of shocking to me is that my cravings are different, and when I'm in this hyper emotional state where I am feeling like my depression is increased because I'm stressed or my anxiety is increased, and normally you get some comfort in your food, I am like, okay, Kami, it's okay to eat something that you really like. And then I'm like, okay, let me make myself a cheeseburger or let me make myself or order something from somewhere, and then I eat three bites of it, and I'm like, I don't really want this. This is, I'm like, ew. Yeah. I ran through McDonald's and I always order the two cheeseburger thing, and I ate one cheeseburger and a couple bites of the second cheeseburger and maybe half the fries, and I threw the rest away. I should have even ordered this much food. You know what I mean? I'm still in that thinking the volume is still what I used to eat, and most of the time I feel bad cuz I put too much food on my plate. I think that I'm reducing my portions, but then I eat it and there's still stuff left over. So that's something I got to work on.

Eva (28:41):
You're giving me a memory, a McDonald's memory, well, two of them actually. One was, I had a boyfriend in the early two thousands. We lived together for a little while, which was a huge mistake. He was a raging alcoholic.

Kami (28:56):
I did that once.

Eva (28:57):
But he was a very critical of what I ate all the time. And so instead of what happens when somebody criticizes what you eat, you eat in secret. And I would run through the drive-through and get a number two, which at the time was two cheeseburgers and shovel the whole thing of my mouth between McDonald's and our apartment. And then I did it all the time, probably at least once or twice a week. The other one is, and I feel like the food was way better back then. I eat, we'll eat one of the kids' fries now, and I'm like, this is not good.

Kami (29:32):
It's not as great. It, I don't know what it was like, you're totally right. I don't know if it's because

Eva (29:38):
I hope President Trump gets them to make the fries and beef tallow again. Now that is a campaign I can get behind.

Kami (29:46):
Yeah. Yeah. And I kind of wonder, so part of it's like were your taste buds not as mature, so garbage tasted better to you as a kid? Or is things just, or did the food change or what's the really going on here?

Eva (30:06):
I think I don't have any evidence for this, but I think that over the years, these giant corporations have tried to squeeze every little itty bitty piece of profit out of everything, and so they replace one ingredient. This is Chipotle. This happened at Chipotle. Every ingredient eventually got replaced with a cheaper ingredient, so Chipotle reduced, but they used to make all their,

Kami (30:33):
But they didn't reduce their prices, they increased their prices.

Eva (30:34):
No they did not. They used to make all the food right there in the kitchen, right in front of you, and it was fresh, and now they make it a central kitchen and they warm it up in the store. And so I used to go to, same thing, I used to go to Chipotle once a week. It was right across from my apartment, and I was obsessed. It was so good when it was new, you remember?

Kami (30:55):
Oh yeah. I remember it being the greatest thing since sliced bread, second coming of Christ. Chipotle was where you lived and died.

Eva (31:04):

Kami (31:05):
It's not the same.

Eva (31:06):
No. So I think that's part of it. I also think that the source of the ingredients has changed and the recipes have changed, and it's all just them chasing profit margin. So I think that's mostly why it's not as good as it used to be. So here's the other one. My best friend, I hope never listens to this, but one of my very best friends at the time was also pretty overweight, but I never saw her eat anything. And so I would always wonder to myself, why are you overweight? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Kami (31:44):
Because she's binging at home.

Eva (31:46):
But you never see that. But one day I saw the McDonald's trash on the floor of her passenger seat when I got in the car. And it was shocking Kami. It was like two or three supersized meals. And I remember thinking, however it looked to me, was that it had all been eaten at once and it was an unbelievable amount of food.

Kami (32:17):
Yeah. Yep. Binge eating is a thing. It's totally a thing.

Eva (32:24):
Dr. Misra, do you remember my friend Dr. Misra? She's going to come on on Monday. I'm going to talk to her and we're going to record.

Kami (32:32):

Eva (32:32):
So I will put on my list with her to talk about binge eating some more, because I think that's a really big and important topic, and I want to explore it more.

Kami (32:43):
My ADHD medication treats binge eating, which is not why I get it. I have the ADHD bad, but it is a medication that doctors will prescribe to people for binge eating, and that's part of the reason that I haven't increased my semaglutide units because between the Vyvanse and the semaglutide, I don't eat anything ever, but I'm not dropping weight as fast as I thought that I would. It's still been a slow decline, which is fine, but that's something that I've never experienced, and I'm sure that I've known people that have done that, but I don't know what that really looks like in a day-to-day life in the life of somebody that struggles with that.

Eva (33:55):
Yeah. I don't know.

Kami (33:57):
That would be more interesting.

Eva (33:58):
I what it looks like when you don't binge anymore, I throw things out, cuz they go bad.

Kami (34:03):
That is also what I'm doing. I'm like, I need to stop buying food because all I'm doing is throwing. I bought this really little teeny tiny basil and lemon salad from Trader Joe's. It was like a one serving little thing, and I thought, and I put it in there, A, part of it is I kind of forgot that it was in the fridge, but the other part was that I was like, I know that I didn't buy it that long ago, but it was so nasty on the inside. I was like, oh God,

Eva (34:37):
That one, I get that one a lot and it goes bad faster than it should. And all the food at Trader Joe's, I guess because it's fresher and has less stuff in it, it goes bad really fast. So it's hard, I overbuy there a lot because I think I'm going to eat it sooner than I will, and then I end up not eating it. I just have to do better over there.

Kami (35:00):
So that's another struggle is I'm like, okay, well, I am buying food and I'm not eating it. It's just going bad. I'm like, I'm just wasting money.

Eva (35:10):
I'm pretty sure they have the candy cane JoJo's by now, which means, so here's all my bingey holiday things that I get at Trader Joe's Candy Cane Jojo's, chocolate covered candy cane, JoJo's, both of 'em. They're both good. The Danish Kringle.

Kami (35:31):
What's that?

Eva (35:32):
Oh my God. It's like a pastry, but they bring it in from Wisconsin and my family, my mom is from that part of the world, from just north of where this kringle comes from. So it tastes like the stuff that I ate as a kid at my grandma's house.

Kami (35:51):
Oh, nice.

Eva (35:54):
I'm not going to even be able to eat it this year, cuz it's mostly sugar, and I won't be able to tolerate it, but I'm still going to buy it and I'm going to try.

Kami (36:06):
You probably could choke down a couple bites. I believe in you.

Eva (36:11):
So those three things. Also, there's a special addition that is in a pentagonal package and they're stacked vertically, and then there's four special flavors of JoJo's. I got to get those and then I'm done.

Kami (36:29):
No, keep going.

Eva (36:30):
There's much more. No, no.

Kami (36:35):
No? Okay.

Eva (36:36):
Okay. Well, I'm going to go over there this weekend and I'll let you know how it goes. I actually have a meeting that I got to go to.

Kami (36:42):
Do you? Fine. Okay.

Eva (36:44):
Yeah. Well, let's sign off. Have a good weekend. Have fun with your Thanksgiving planning.

Kami (36:51):
I will.

Eva (36:52):
I'll send you my spreadsheet.

Kami (36:53):
Okay. Send me the spreadsheet.

Eva (36:55):

Kami (36:57):

Eva (36:58):
Love you.

Kami (36:58):
Love you too.

Eva (36:59):
Bye bye. Follow us on Instagram @LessofYoupodcast. Are you confronting the same challenges and have a story to tell? I'd love to hear your story on our Skinny Shot Stories podcast. Contact me for more details at If you're a doctor and would like to learn more about sponsoring this or any of our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, go to Less of You is a production of The Axis,