Kami stalls at 203 and wonders if it’s time for a higher dose to make it to one-derland.
Eva shares a jaw-dropping “before” pic from August 2021 after eating at Paula Deen’s while in Nashville.
Meet Eva’s doctor,...
Kami stalls at 203 and wonders if it’s time for a higher dose to make it to one-derland.
Eva shares a jaw-dropping “before” pic from August 2021 after eating at Paula Deen’s while in Nashville.
Meet Eva’s doctor, Austin plastic surgeon Dr. Johnny Franco
SW 250, CW 203, GW 150?
SW 280, CW 189, GW Just Overweight
Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place.
Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to podcasts@theaxis.io.
To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & updated regularly at lessofyou.com
To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at theaxis.io.
Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast
Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Aron Devereaux and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface
Less of You is a production of The Axis
Eva (00:00):
Wow, I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?
Kami (00:04):
Well, I've been buried in about a foot of snow. We got, yeah, so we got a week before last, we got eight inches overnight, and then three days later we got another three inches and then it was supposed to not snow again and it snowed a little bit yesterday, but it wasn't anything exciting.
Eva (00:28):
But you guys don't cancel school, you just go to school, right?
Kami (00:31):
No, they did. We did get a snow day and then a couple of two hour delays, and then we did an e-learning day because they said they were short on bus drivers and the temperature because the temperature was like negatives. Yeah. Yep. So I'm like, oh, okay. So we've been just kind of hanging out and watching TV and not really doing a whole lot, which is fine. And I was watching this show and I'd never seen it before. I didn't know what was going to come up and this sex scene happened and Kordelia's like, normally she's watching her iPad and goofing off and it wasn't anything really inappropriate, but I was like, you can't watch this. They're doing sexy time.
Eva (01:31):
Oh no. Did you think about this before you said it?
Kami (01:34):
No. Uhuh. No. I don't do. Okay. How long have we been talking? Do you really think I ever think
Eva (01:41):
No, you have no filter.
Kami (01:45):
I thought we met before. Anyways, so yeah. And then she's like, well, do you and daddy do sexy time?
Eva (01:55):
Oh shit.
Kami (01:56):
I'm like, well, I was literally at a loss for words. I was like, you what? I can't.
Eva (02:07):
At my house, the honest answer is no. So I would've been fine if I had been.
Kami (02:14):
I was like well, so I was like, yeah, it's kind of a personal question, honey. I'm trying to deflect all over the place. And she's like, but mom, I have to know. Do you and daddy do sexy time? Just tell me please, begging me to tell her. I was like, no, I'm not. This is not a discussion we're having and I'm done now. So she hasn't brought it up since, but I have a feeling it's going to be one of those things where out of the blue, she's going to blurt it out at some
Eva (02:52):
At school.
Kami (02:52):
Kids' birthday party and like, oh, dear, do you know your mommy and daddy do sexy time. Oh.
Eva (02:58):
Yeah. You know what? My kids, they don't say a lot at school, but when they do, they go, they go hard.
Kami (03:06):
It's like all out.
Eva (03:08):
And the classic one for preschool, I think Kari must have been four. She told everyone at school that I don't wear underwear to bed. All the teachers.
Kami (03:22):
Eva (03:23):
Kami (03:24):
Wow. She just, uh.
Eva (03:25):
I do now.
Kami (03:25):
You've learned you lesson.
Eva (03:28):
She won't tell anybody that I don't now.
Kami (03:31):
Oh, that's terrible.
Eva (03:33):
Kami (03:34):
That's That's pretty great.
Eva (03:35):
Yeah's. Good stuff. Don't, there's no funnier comedians on this planet than our own children.
Kami (03:41):
That is a thousand percent true.
Eva (03:43):
Kami (03:44):
Absolutely. She cracks me up every day. So
Eva (03:51):
Kari wants to learn how to sew right now.
Kami (03:53):
Oh, she does?
Eva (03:53):
She's driving me crazy. Yeah, mom, teach me to sew. I'm like, I don't understand why you think I know how to sew.
Kami (03:59):
Send her to my mom's house.
Eva (04:00):
Where did you get this idea?
Kami (04:01):
Send her to The Debra. The Debra will teach her how to do it.
Eva (04:04):
It took me a good 48 hours to figure out what to do. Like I'm not going to give you sewing needles, but tonight we're going to go to Hobby Lobby and get an embroidery hoop and at some simple embroidery patterns, and I'm going to teach her how to do when we were kids. Right. And I think the needles are plastic and they're sharp enough to do that, but they're not actual needles. Right.
Kami (04:29):
Like she's going to really,
Eva (04:32):
There's someone's sell some kind of learn to sew crafting kit for kids.
Kami (04:38):
There's all kinds of stuff like that. Especially they have these little felt animals and dolls that you can, it really is like a plastic needle and you just sew it with the yarn and then you stuff it. It's they have cool stuff there.
Eva (04:53):
Yeah, she'll love that. Yeah, your mom would be great if she's a little far away from me. Yeah,
Kami (04:58):
That's fine. Yeah, it's fine. Just put on an airplane. Kordelia's like, well, when am I going to go on the airplane by myself? I'm like, never. What? Oh yeah. My husband would be like, yeah, it's fine. I'm like, what are,
Eva (05:12):
Yeah, I don't think so.
Kami (05:14):
So we were talking about it, and you can send them depending on which airline has different rules on ages and stuff, but I think certainly airlines will let 'em fly up to six years old by themselves. And they're with, they have a designated guardian flight attendant person, and they sit in the very back of the airplane. So they're right by the bathrooms and they're right where, but she wants to go. I'm like, I just don't know about this.
Eva (05:55):
Well, give me your numbers. Where you at?
Kami (05:58):
Oh, I'm still at 2 0 3. I have not
Eva (06:01):
Did you stall?
Kami (06:02):
Yeah, totally. And I got a new vial in December, so let's see, five, six weeks ago. It's from a different compounding pharmacy than my provider normally uses because the other one wasn't doing the tirzepatide. And so they switched to something that does the semaglutide that I do and the tirzepatide. I'm like, oh, whatever dude. And I feel like I ran through that vial really fast. It wasn't as much, it was supposed to be more than I was getting, so it's three milliliters as opposed to the two and a half. I don't know. So I've got an appointment tonight to talk with them about that and see about getting another vial ordered. I probably have maybe two more doses left in there, and I'm only taking 40 units, so I'm not, so I'm thinking, okay, maybe I do need to bump it up a little bit up. Yeah.
Eva (07:16):
Yeah. Probably.
Kami (07:17):
because I'm dying to get under the 200 mark. And I was like, it's only four more pounds and I will be at 1 99. I was like, that is not that much. I can do this.
Eva (07:33):
I always want to point out here, do you remember how hard it used to be to lose four pounds and now you're like, it's only four pounds?
Kami (07:39):
Eva (07:40):
Okay. Yes. It would've taken me probably two or three months of going to the gym four times a week and counting every calorie to lose four pounds before.
Kami (07:53):
Yep. Yeah. Yep. So that's where I'm at. How are you?
Eva (07:59):
189, but I went back up to 193. Now I'm back down to 189. So I don't know. I really, once everyone went back to school, it got a lot easier for me to just stick to the routine. And I've had some kind of interesting things like my doctor's office, which is Johnny Franco, Austin Plastic Surgeon here in Austin have three offices, in Burnet, like Domain area and then Westlake, and they have one in San Antonio. They're amazing. They had me come up and make a video for my testimonial, basically.
Kami (08:39):
Oh, nice. That's really cool. I want to see it.
Eva (08:42):
It was yesterday. So in the morning I got up kind of early and I went and got my hair blown out, which is still,
Kami (08:48):
Oh, I still looks amaze balls. I love that.
Eva (08:51):
I know. I'm really happy. It makes me so happy, I kind of think maybe I should just go every couple of weeks just to, it's good.
Kami (08:57):
Just do it. Gotta make youself feel good.
Eva (08:59):
I hate drying my hair myself.
Kami (09:02):
Well, you've got a ton of hair, I can tell.
Eva (09:03):
Kami (09:04):
You've got a lot.
Eva (09:05):
You have hairdresser eyes. And so in the afternoon I ran up there and I talked for about 20 minutes. She just asked me a bunch of questions and I rambled as I can easily do about this topic. It just went on and on and on, and it was really nice. And the fun part was last spring I bought a shirt. I'm going to tell you how much it was. It's embarrassing. I've never done this in my life. This particular shirt was something I could never have. And my best friend, her mother used to buy these shirts for her as gifts, and they were gorgeous, but they were exorbitant. They're like, back when I started seeing her get these shirts, they were like $200 and now they're $300 for one shirt. Right?
Kami (09:55):
Oh my God.
Eva (09:56):
So in March I was in Las Vegas.
Kami (09:58):
Holy shit.
Eva (09:58):
And I was wandering around by myself and here was they, Anne Fontaine is the brand. And I wandered into an fontine store and for the first time in 20 years, I was like, I think I could fit in the shirt. And so I tried on, the one that I wanted is just a black button down with French cuff's, gorgeous shirt. And it's cut really beautifully. It's very feminine, it doesn't look boxy, like most button downs to, and it was a little snug, but I was feeling really optimistic. And so I bought it and I still haven't worn it until yesterday. I wore it for video.
Kami (10:36):
Oh, nice. Oh, I can't wait to see it.
Eva (10:39):
It is a gorgeous shirt. And because it's so fits so perfectly now, it might look on eBay for another one.
Kami (10:49):
Eva (10:52):
Anne Fontaine, gorgeous.
Kami (10:54):
Anne Fontaine. I'll have to look it up. I have not heard of that brand.
Eva (10:57):
I used to put it on, I put a picture of the shirt on my mirror 10 years ago. I was trying to use it as motivation to lose weight.
Kami (11:04):
Well look at your vision board coming to life.
Eva (11:07):
My vision shirt.
Kami (11:08):
I love it. Oh, so good.
Eva (11:12):
Yeah. So there was that. And then since I worked with the stylist on my wardrobe, she opened my eyes to some other things. So I have done some really crazy things. I bought some loafers. Loafers. I bought loafers.
Kami (11:27):
No shit.
Eva (11:28):
I wouldn't have even known how to wear loafers before. That's so wouldn't have occurred to me to wear loafers, buy loafers, look at loafers.
Kami (11:35):
And I wish she would come to my closet.
Eva (11:38):
And they're amazing. They're camo, they Rothy's, and they're so cool.
Kami (11:43):
Really? Oh, you got to send me a picture.
Eva (11:45):
Kami (11:46):
Yeah. Did I tell you my dad took me shopping when they were here for Christmas.
Eva (11:53):
Kami (11:53):
Oh yeah. So my dad, bless his heart, he's such a good human. He doesn't really ask for much as a dad, but he's like, I really want to just go shopping with you. He just wanted to treat me and it was just the sweetest. And so most endearing, I didn't really care that we bought anything. It was just like going to the mall, going to Nordstrom and Christmas time and all of the lights, and I'll have to send you the selfie we took. So cute. But he wanted to buy me a nice coat and he bought me this, so we looked all around Nordstrom. We didn't really find anything that I was like, oh, I have to have this.
The color wasn't right or the cut wasn't right. And he's like, well, let me show you the one I found online that I think you'd really like. I'm like, okay. And it's this beautiful, perfect true red wool coat and it's stunning. And the lady's like, well, if you want, I can order it for you and you can come pick it up. And I was like, okay, well, I was worried about the size. What size do I get? And I ended up ordering the 16, and it fit great. It's just beautiful. I'll have to send you photos. It's really pretty. And it's wool, but it doesn't have a lining. So it's really lightweight, but it's super warm. It's like 82% wool. Thank God we got it on sale because the full price would've just been astronomical. Then we went and did a little more shopping and we went to Free People and he bought me.
Eva (13:42):
Yeah. Did you use your gift card?
Kami (13:44):
I never got a gift card.
Eva (13:46):
Are you serious?
Kami (13:46):
No, I never got it. Yeah, I told you. I was like, I never got an email.
Eva (13:52):
Oh, I definitely got them to clear it.
Kami (13:54):
Weird. Oh, thank you for telling me. I'll figure out where it went.
Eva (13:58):
I was going to ask you about that, but I just got so distracted with everything else, but I'll go back again. Trust me. I don't mind. But yeah, so we went to Free People. I got a real pretty flowy kimono top thing, and then we went to the MAC store and I bought makeup and yeah, we had a great time. So it was nice to feel like, okay, I can go shopping. And it's like, oh, not being so worried that stuff's not going to fit or that I'm not going to find anything that I like that's in my size.
It is fun. It's a huge mental shift and it takes a long time. I'm still just in it. Yeah, I mean, I have an email right here that says the gift card was successfully sent.
Kami (14:52):
Eva (14:52):
If I hadn't put a typo in your name, you totally would've received it.
Kami (15:00):
You sent it to the wrong email?
Eva (15:02):
Yeah, I did.
Kami (15:03):
Whoopsie. Did you type Ganlin with an N?
Eva (15:08):
Yeah. How did you know?
Kami (15:12):
Everyone does that?
Eva (15:13):
Because the N is next to the M?
Kami (15:15):
Well, it sounds similar, and the M and the N are right next to each other on the keyboard. So it's a super easy mistake to make. Yeah. The last job I had, I had to have them redo my email because they kept spelling my name wrong. I'm like, that's not how you spell it.
Eva (15:31):
Ridiculous. Okay, I'll fix it today while, and now you have another surprise.
Kami (15:38):
Eva (15:38):
Such an asshole.
Kami (15:39):
Oh, stop. So I dunno. I'm trying to think of what else is going on. That's pretty much it. I mean, it's just,
Eva (15:54):
Oh, did you happen to see yesterday there was another Oprah, her reaction to taking the GLP-1 kind of piece of media that came out? Did you see that?
Kami (16:05):
No, I didn't.
Eva (16:06):
No. I'll find it and I'll send it to you. But basically what she was saying, the big takeaway was she always blamed herself and she didn't have a clue what it was like to be a thin person until the food noise was gone.
Kami (16:19):
Eva (16:19):
It was another one of those, I'm apologizing for judging people before I knew what this really was.
Kami (16:26):
Oh God. Yeah, I feel that. I really feel that a lot too. I think about all the things people say, well just work out, just eat less. It's not that hard. You know what I mean? Well, it is.
Eva (16:43):
It's just calories in, calories out.
Kami (16:45):
I know God. And you're like, okay, you don't understand me. And so being somebody that didn't gain weight until later in life, I was thin up until, God, I don't know, twenties anyways, so I just couldn't relate. But now I get it. Now I get it.
Eva (17:15):
Yesterday they asked me for a before photo, and I just got to tell you, I'm going to show you the zinger, the absolute barn burner of a before photo that I found yesterday.
Kami (17:26):
Oh God.
Eva (17:26):
You're not, I mean get ready, watch out. Here we go.
Kami (17:31):
I'm ready. Bring it. Girl.
Eva (17:37):
Can you believe that?
Kami (17:40):
Eva (17:40):
Neither can I. It's like a different person. August of 21.
Kami (17:46):
Eva (17:48):
So Ellie, I could say she's about 14 months old and I was still nursing. And both times I had a horrible time losing when I was nursing. In fact, I was starving all the time.
Kami (18:04):
Well, yeah, because when you're nursing, you are definitely hungry all the time. Yeah. So I, did I, well, my birth story with Cordelia is like, that's just one whole episode by itself. It was crazy. But I ended up weighing less when I gave birth than when I was pregnant. I remember I got pregnant, but then I ballooned afterwards because my thyroid stopped working. So then I got up to, I think the highest ever when I got on the scale, I think the highest I ever weighed was 268. And I remember thinking, well, I got to figure out where a cliff is and how I can jump off of it because what.
Eva (18:57):
Oh, actually I was delusional. And I will tell you, this photo was taken moments after dinner at Paula Deen's.
Kami (19:05):
Of course, of course it was.
Eva (19:08):
And I can tell you that the entire time we were at Paula Deen's, I was looking around the restaurant going, look at all these fat people.
Kami (19:21):
Jesus Eva. Oh wow. Well, you know what they say when you point the finger at somebody else, you got three fingers pointing back at yourself. So I hate to break it to you.
Eva (19:34):
Good lord.
Kami (19:36):
It's crazy. Yeah. But I've done it too. I've done it too. I'd be like, oh.
Eva (19:41):
Kami (19:41):
Okay, if you hear Millie floated, she's not in her cage. She's floating around. You want to come over here?
Eva (19:51):
Pretty bird.
Kami (19:55):
Hey lady. Anyhow, so yeah, we've all done it. We've all done it.
Eva (20:01):
Yeah, I know.
Kami (20:06):
But I'm kind of to the point where I'm like, I got to remind myself to eat. Do you do that too?
Eva (20:14):
All the time? Or I'll be vaguely hungry and then I'll let another three hours go by.
Kami (20:21):
Same. Or I'm a little bit hungry, but nothing sounds good to eat.
Eva (20:26):
Yeah, nothing. I'll walk through the kitchen five times and then I'll be like, ah, I'll just drink some water. I had to fly to California, and actually it was really awful because it was the day after the fire started and I flew into LAX.
Kami (20:40):
No way.
Eva (20:42):
And I wasn't staying in LA, but it was the only way I could get there early enough to be at in Newport Beach at nine for a meeting. And so I flew into it and I can't even describe to you how unbelievable it was and surreal because the flight attendants didn't say a word about it. They're just business as usual and never said a word about.
Kami (21:06):
I'm sure they didn't want to panic people.
Eva (21:08):
Maybe, but it was creepy and I will never forget it.
Kami (21:15):
What did you see when you were there?
Eva (21:17):
Well, it looked like fog, but you could smell it 20 minutes before we landed you could smell it
Kami (21:24):
Eva (21:25):
And it just was like a brownish fog over the whole city. When I got, I mean, I started driving south almost immediately, so I wasn't in it for very long. But three days later when I got dressed to leave and put my airport sneakers back on, they were covered in ashes. I didn't even notice until I put them on to go home. Anyway, the point is I flew back with my actual doctor, was on my flight home. He was there at the same conference I was at, so I was kind of hanging out with them. I had dinner with them and had dinner with people on his team, which is how I ended up on this video for them. And the person who runs the wellness program for the practice was sitting next to me at dinner and she told me his business and his capacity for work, he was already a workaholic. He gets up at 3:30 in the morning and he starts working at five and he works until he goes to sleep. He was single and hasn't had kids yet. So he was a total workaholic. She said his business did not go boom until he lost the weight because, like us, he also didn't have food noise occupying his brain anymore. The engine that used to run on, what am I going to eat next? It runs on completely other stuff now.
Kami (22:52):
Oh yeah, for sure. I'm like, I do that where I feel like I'm not thinking about food all the time or when I'm going to eat.
Eva (23:02):
Where are we going to go out to eat on Friday, Saturday?
Kami (23:05):
My brain's like, what should we think about? What should we? But so yeah, I can relate to that. But what's interesting is that I've gotten more, Hey, I really don't like to cook. I don't want anybody to think that, I just don't. It's not my thing, but I'm getting more tolerant of it and I don't know if that makes sense. I want to say I'm not getting joy, cuz joy is not the right word. Something less than joy, contentment with preparing food and making something and thinking ahead. Because I feel like I'm so clear-minded that I'm like, okay, I can actually prepare something that's really good and healthy and take my time to do it without just being like, okay, well what can I just stuff in my face really quick? Because I have an ADHD brain and I haven't eaten in six hours and I'm starving, and you know what I'm saying? I can't. You hit that wall.
Eva (24:08):
You just reminded me of one of those rules. Never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach.
Kami (24:13):
Yes. Right. Then I don't have any patience whatsoever. And when I'm hangry, wash the fuck out. But I've been, let's see, what did I do? And I've been branching out on different foods that I would've never tried before. Squash.
Eva (24:35):
I love squash.
Kami (24:37):
Yeah. I never was really a fan, but I signed up for Misfit Market. And so I was like, you know what? And then of course they put stuff in your cart for you and then you can veto that or add whatever you want. But they put in two different types of squash in there. And I was like, you know what Kami? You're going to look up recipes for these particular times of squash and you're going to make it and you're going to eat it. And I did. And it was delicious. I was like, but I would've never tried that before. I would've been like, I don't want to waste my taste buds on something that I don't love. It's when
Eva (25:26):
When all the hierarchical organization of the food in your head.
Kami (25:32):
Yeah, totally. It's fucking insane. It in case anybody wants to know, I will give you the little recipe that I used and what kind of squash it was and what I did. And it was really good. It was delicata squash. Yes. And so it's a little bit on the sweeter side. So I tossed it up with olive oil, salt pepper, dried onion chunks, garlic, and then I roasted it in the oven. So it was like that oniony garlicy with the sweetness. And it was like they got a little crunchy because the little onion chunks on it. It was really great.
Eva (26:25):
Let's start a recipe of the week segment and I declare this one to yours. And so if you send me the link, I'll put it in the show notes. And my recipe of the week is Grinch cookies. I do not recommend using half a bottle of green food coloring in the grand cookies. Your child's poop will come out bright green, a good one and a half to two days later. So just saying.
Kami (26:47):
Eva (26:49):
But along with the sewing, they want to bake, and pretty soon we're going to be wearing Little House on the Prairie dresses. Yeah. So I'll leave you with that. I'm not putting the Grinch cookies recipe and show notes. It's not worth it. Don't make them and don't eat them. And then Ellie brought one to her teacher today as a gift. She handed it to Ms. Laurie, and Ms. Laurie was like, thank you.
Kami (27:13):
Thanks honey.
Eva (27:15):
I'm in the back cook. Don't eat it.
Kami (27:21):
Don't eat it. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh, that's hysterical. Yeah, I'll send you, I used a Pinterest recipe for inspiration, but I didn't follow it. I just kind of was like, that looks good. That looks good. Toss it up. Yeah. So yeah, I'll send it to you for sure.
Eva (27:42):
Kami (27:42):
Eva (27:44):
Well, we're going to have The Debra back to talk about
Kami (27:46):
The Debra.
Eva (27:47):
Kami (27:48):
I'm super excited. I actually have, my mom and I talk about so much stuff. Usually it's not about our weight. We, she just, I dunno. So we don't really talk about it. So I will find out with all of you guys how she's doing at the same time. I don't know.
Eva (28:06):
Yeah, I don't either.
Kami (28:07):
Alright, love. Well, you enjoy the rest of your day.
Eva (28:09):
You too.
Kami (28:09):
I will chat with you next week. To all of our listeners, we love you dearly. Like, subscribe, message us.
Eva (28:17):
Follow us on YouTube. Send us love notes. We read them all. All two of them.
Kami (28:21):
Yep. Definitely. For sure. I know we've gotten two, they're so great. Send more.
Eva (28:30):
Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast. Are you confronting the same challenges and have a story to tell? I'd love to hear your story on our Skinny Shot Stories podcast. Contact me for more details at skinnyshotstories.com. If you're a doctor and would like to learn more about sponsoring this or any of our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, go to lessofyou.com. Less of You is a production of The Axis, theaxis.io.