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Aug. 2, 2024

Quit the medication so you can eat again

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit...

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit comments, and shares an update on the subpoena from our previous episode.
To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & being updated regularly at

SW 250, CW 235, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 197, GW 179?

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 

Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Quit the medication so you can eat again

Aug. 2, 2024

Quit the medication so you can eat again

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit...

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit comments, and shares an update on the subpoena from our previous episode.
To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & being updated regularly at

SW 250, CW 235, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 197, GW 179?

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 

Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Spencer Clarkson
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Quit the medication so you can eat again

Aug. 2, 2024

Quit the medication so you can eat again

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit...

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit comments, and shares an update on the subpoena from our previous episode.
To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & being updated regularly at

SW 250, CW 235, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 197, GW 179?

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 

Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Quit the medication so you can eat again

Aug. 2, 2024

Quit the medication so you can eat again

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit...

Kami’s job as HOA president takes a stressful turn as she fights with State Farm to get construction moved forward on the 4 houses that burned down over a year ago. 

Eva self-diagnoses a bizarre new side effect of weight loss by reading Reddit comments, and shares an update on the subpoena from our previous episode.
To help others find great resources for GLP-1 medical weight loss programs, our new list of trusted semaglutide and tirzepatide providers is live & being updated regularly at

SW 250, CW 235, GW 150?

SW 280, CW 197, GW 179?

Eva + Kami are two old-ish moms with little kids confronting our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves. Sarcasm is our happy place. 

Are you confronting the same challenges? We’d love to hear your story. Send an email to

To learn more about sponsoring this or for details on advertising opportunities on our cosmetic surgery and weight loss podcasts, request more info at 

Follow us on Instagram @lessofyoupodcast 

Co-hosts: Eva Sheie & Kami Gamlem
Assistant Producers: Mary Ellen Clarkson & Hannah Burkhart
Engineering: Daniel Croeser and Steve Zagar
Theme music: Old Grump, Smartface

Less of You is a production of The Axis


Eva (00:06):
You are listening to Less of You. I'm Eva.

Kami (00:09):
My name is Kami.

Eva (00:10):
Come with us as we confront our reasons for being obese while losing weight on semaglutide and roasting our past selves.

Kami (00:19):

Eva (00:19):
Hey. How are you?

Kami (00:21):
I'm like wicked stressed. I got a lot going on right now. My hair looks perfect, let's just start with that. So I've got one thing in my life that's going really well.

Eva (00:33):
It's pretty good.

Kami (00:35):
Okay, so I'm not totally screwed, but I'll try to make this quick. I don't want to take up our whole time with all my drama, but I'm the president of the HOA here that I belong to with my condo.

Eva (00:49):
Oh, ain't no drama like HOA drama. <laugh>

Kami (00:59):
<laugh> Jesus. That was the best reaction. That was the perfect, appropriate reaction to that sentence. So excellent work. So it's normal HOA stuff, and I'm also the property manager. So if somebody needs a repair, I manage all that stuff. And we had a pretty devastating fire here over a year ago. And so there's just been a very intense, long, stressful battle with State Farm. So they've just fought us tooth and nail for every single thing that we need for 14 months. Finally, they approved to replace the slab. So this is a condo community, which is going to be, not condos in the sense that it's one big building with a bunch of homes inside. These are townhouse style. Anyway, so we lost four homes. They thought that it would be okay to rebuild four houses on a 50-year-old slab foundation that was exposed to 2000 degree heat for five hours.

They're like, it's fine. No, no is it going to be the answer to that? And so we even had a concrete company come and drill core samples and send it off to a lab to prove that that was not going to work. And they still were like, no, it's fine. And then just stopped replying to our messages and our emails and our calls and all the things, until finally Monday I got an email from the claims adjuster that says, well, based on our research, we've decided that it would be more cost effective to replace the slab than it would be to repair it. You're just now realizing that? Cool. So we're like, we thought we had this really cool thing going on. And then I talked to the contractor yesterday and he's like, well, we have enough funds released to demo the slab, get the new slab installed, but we can't start the actual construction until we have enough money to get it to the waterproof stage, which means framing doors, windows, roofs wrapped. It doesn't even have to have siding on it. It just has to, has the Tyvek on it. They haven't released enough money to do that stage. And you can't start it until you know that you can 100% finish it. So we have to have the funds.

Eva (03:30):
Right. Or you'd end up losing it again if it got wet. Duh.

Kami (03:33):
Correct. Yep. Yeah. So I lost my mind yesterday. So we have a public adjuster, which if anybody ever has an issue, like a major insurance claim, highly recommend that you find a public adjuster. This is a person that will represent, basically be your representation between you and the insurance company. He was, I literally bawled my eyes out on the phone to him for 20 minutes yesterday.

Eva (03:57):
Do you feel an obligation to the people whose houses these are, that you're protecting them? This is your HOA job and you're basically volunteering, and this is all on your shoulders. Okay.

Kami (04:09):

Eva (04:10):
I gotcha.

Kami (04:11):
So my house was damaged in the fire too, I dunno if you know that part. So this window right here is, this is the front of my house, and the fire happened directly across the street. So the heat was so intense that it melted all the siding, all the vinyl siding off my house, broke all the windows, damaged the front door so badly that we couldn't even use the electronic keypad anymore. I'll have to text you some picture. It was one of the most intense experiences of my life. It was horrific.

Eva (04:42):
What caused the fire?

Kami (04:44):
Ultimately the fire department closed out the case as undetermined. I think it was electrical. I think something happened, there was an electrical surge or something in the carport where the lights are. That's what I would suspect. And I told that to the fire investigator, and he's like, that's what I think too. Unfortunately, there's no way for us to prove it in black and white, so we have to just say undetermined, and that's what it is. Like okay. So, all of that's going on. So now, because they're not releasing enough money, I now have to get an attorney involved. So I now have to go have a consultation with an attorney so that we can start the lawsuit process to get them to release the money.

Eva (05:32):
That sounds expensive.

Kami (05:34):
Yep. How we're going to pay for it. I dunno. So it gets better.

Eva (05:39):
Oh no, there's more.

Kami (05:42):
So on top of all of that, this is not an HOA related thing. I am looking at possibly going back to my previous company and there's just some drama there because, so some of the people that had been laid off, I'm still really good friends with, and one of my friends had recently quit and gone to another company and the manager wants her to come back, even though I've already interviewed, why are you? So I'm like okay.

So I'm like, she's my friend and she has a job. And she texted me, she's like, I dunno what to do. I'm like, well honey, do you want the job or not? Because clearly it's yours. So I'm like, I can't, this is all, I can't do any. Yeah. So we'll see. I'm supposed to find out today, but it's just funny to me. I was like, don't you know how popular I am and how people like to talk to clearly, I was like, she was shocked that I found out that she was going to be hiring. I'm like, why are you shocked about this? Everyone talks to me.

Eva (06:54):
I know.

Kami (06:56):

Eva (06:57):
They don't know.

Kami (06:58):
So it was funny. I'm like, it is what it is. Whatever happens, happens. It just cracked me up.

Eva (07:06):
Well, should we do our stats?

Kami (07:08):
Yes. You want to go?

Eva (07:11):
Sure. My starting weight was 280. My current weight, maybe it's 179, I don't know. Somewhere around there.

Kami (07:21):
Nice. Awesome. Alright. So I started at 250. Current weight is 222 and goal weight, I know I started out with goal weight of 150. I'm still going to kind of shoot for that. I'm going to see if I can get down to it. If it's too difficult to maintain, I may just be like, look, if I'm at 160 and I'm going to be fine.

Eva (07:43):
Okay. I just want to remind you, when we both get to goal, we're going to Las Vegas with the kids. We're going to stay in the Encore. We're going to do absolutely nothing. It's going to be great.

Kami (07:56):
That sounds awesome.

Eva (07:57):
I've been fantasizing about going on vacation a lot.

Kami (08:00):
Have you? Cuz it sounds like you have thought this through a minute.

Eva (08:04):
Yeah. Do you have any side effects, new ones, old ones?

Kami (08:09):
I have been struggling with fatigue a lot, and I do sympathize for people that have that as a side effect because I have a way to combat that because I have ADHD, so I take Adderall, which helps is a stimulant. So it does help with that. But then again, it makes it harder to fall asleep at night. So it's a little bit of the lesser of two evils kind of situation. So that's been my biggest struggle. I haven't had any butt problems. Have you had any butt problems lately?

Eva (08:38):
No. My butt's good.

Kami (08:40):
Good. Awesome. Same.

Eva (08:41):
I do have a new one though.

Kami (08:43):
Oh, what's that?

Eva (08:44):
But I wanted to ask you first, are you taking B12 shot?

Kami (08:49):
I'm not, but I do take regular multivitamins and I do have a new supplement coming that has B in it, so I will start taking that, but I think it's not going to ship. I think I put it on my auto ship on Amazon, so it won't come until next month.

Eva (09:05):
You might ask 'em next time you have a telemed because they just gave it to me one day and I was like, sure, I'll try it. It was night and day different on the fatigue thing when I added the B12 in. Yeah.

Kami (09:16):

Eva (09:16):

Kami (09:17):
So my mom does it, and when I was visiting her last, she showed me how she gives her this huge shot in her thigh. I was like, uh.

Eva (09:26):
They told me about that. I was like, I got up and grabbed mine and brought it to, I was on a Zoom with the person who runs the place where your mom gets it. And I was like, no, that can't be the needle. It has to be little like this one.

Kami (09:39):

Eva (09:41):
I can't believe what there is.

Kami (09:42):
She does it and she, I'm like, I just don't know if I can do that, mom. Thanks for the demo though.

Eva (09:50):
We'll have to get her on a special bonus episode where she shows everybody how ridiculous her B12 needle is.

Kami (09:56):
I know. I'm like, ahh. So how do you take it? Are you just taking supplements or what?

Eva (10:02):
No, I get two sets of shots every month. Now I get four B12's and four tears peptides. There are prefilled, teeny tiny insulin needle. They're exactly the same. That's what, they're just no big deal. They're so easy. I barely feel it.

Kami (10:17):
Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm writing that down. Talk to my doctor. I'll find out about that cuz that would be real helpful, especially if I'm going to start this job that this is company that I'm like, what.

Eva (10:28):
Here's my new weird side effect. For months, I've felt like I needed it, it's like when you go swimming and you get water in your ears and it feels like you need to pop your ears, but you can't. There's no relief. So if I plug my nose and blow, nothing happens. Just feels like air is going through. Sometimes it's on both sides. Sometimes it's on one side. It's super weird. It's so weird that I don't know what to Google. How would I Google all of what I just told you and figure out?

Kami (10:56):
You probably would not want to see the results. You would be like,

Eva (11:00):
There just is no Google search for that thing, whatever that thing is. So then you're like, well, I guess I should probably talk to a doctor, which that's a whole thing. It has to be really bad before I go call somebody. Right? But then of course I was on Reddit. Look what I found.

Kami (11:19):
Oh hell.

Eva (11:20):
Unwanted and unexpected side effect. Evidently the massive weight loss is what has caused this really annoying water in my ears, constant hearing myself in my head symptoms. I practically threw the phone. I was like, this is what I have. This is it right here. Doctor said, it's uncommon hopes it will subside. Now, taking sudafed and nasal spray and crossing my fingers. It's called eustachian tube dysfunction. It's caused by sudden and rapid weight loss because the fat cells in your ears protect your eustachian tubes, help keep it closed. But when you lose weight really fast, they shrink, and then the eustachian tubes can start malfunctioning a little bit or they're just disrupted. And so I read a bunch more after that.

Kami (12:07):
I'm shook right now. I know. I've never, Geez. What the

Eva (12:15):
I know.

Kami (12:16):
I don't how?,

Eva (12:19):
I think fat cells get smaller and they just haven't

Kami (12:23):
This is why hats fit you better now too, probably.

Eva (12:25):
I'm sure those things are related,

Kami (12:31):
Eva, what the hell?

Eva (12:33):
But do you know how much time I waste on Reddit every day? This proves that Reddit is useful. This is useful.

Kami (12:42):
Is the one social media thing that I just have not, I mean, you know how you'll Google stuff and it'll link you to a Reddit article or whatever. I'm not on it. I just

Eva (12:52):
Look, and there's other people too. Oh look, there's my comment. I've had this for two months and it's driving me nuts. If your ears were being squeezed by your fat, imagine how much your other organs were being squeezed. Yes, I did, I pondered that that day.

Kami (13:06):
Oh my God.

Eva (13:07):
So I'm just saying, if you're having weird side effects

Kami (13:10):
From pays for porn, nice. Hey, more power to you. At least you're not one of those freaky weirdos trying to get that shit for free. So you are an honest porn watcher. Appreciate you.

Eva (13:25):
Don't want to know if that username checks out. Not going to investigate, but

Kami (13:31):
Oh my God. Well, they've got a valid point.

Eva (13:35):
Yeah. So there you go. There's my new side effect. I hope that someone else who hears this is having the same one and goes, now I know what I have.

Kami (13:43):

Eva (13:43):
And the internet is good for something

Kami (13:45):
Occasionally. That's so funny.

Eva (13:50):
In other news, I went last night and got a couple new bras and a band size weirdly, where I still have not lost any weight, is in the band. The band, I have been wearing 38 for forever. I'm still wearing 38. I still have back fat that hasn't gone away. So I actually am really looking forward to losing that, and I'm hopeful. I'm sure it'll go eventually, but I got a couple new bras and

Kami (14:22):
Oh, that's good.

Eva (14:22):
Going from XL to large in some clothes because I'm putting on xls and they're enormous. And I was just thinking, there was a day where I would've been like, look at me. I got in an XL in the regular sizes, but it was just because it ran really big.

Kami (14:40):

Eva (14:41):
Got lucky.

Kami (14:43):
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. I bought some pants at Costco.

Eva (14:48):
Oh yeah.

Kami (14:49):
Like lounge pants or whatever.

Eva (14:51):
Costco pants are the best.

Kami (14:52):
And I got 'em in an XL and they fit perfect. But I mean, I can see where if I was down another five pounds, they would probably be a little bit, yeah, I mean, they got elastic waist. I mean, whatever. It's one of those things. I'll wear 'em forever. But yeah, I recently went to, we were at Walmart and I picked up a bralet and boys are so funny. My husband, it was like 16 bucks and he's like, well, that's kind of expensive, don't you think?

Eva (15:23):
No, I don't.

Kami (15:27):
I was like, before I met you, my bras from Victoria's Secret were like $60 a piece and I had a dozen of them. So a $16 bra is like nothing dude. He just didn't know. He just didn't know. But yeah, that was pretty funny. I thought he was like, oh, that was kind of expensive. 16 bucks. No, sir.

Eva (15:52):
I'm much happier spending my money on clothes than spending my money on eating out or desperately driving to get ice cream at 9:30 at night. I used to waste so much money on eating out.

Kami (16:09):
Oh, I know. So when I was having this little meltdown yesterday about all this stuff, I had a pretty random and powerful thought that flew through my brain and it went like this, Kami, you really got to stop taking this medication so you can eat and cure some of this anxiety.

Eva (16:28):
Oh, Kami. This is when I took Wellbutrin to quit smoking. And then I was like, oh, this is making my cigarettes taste terrible. I got to stop taking this crap. And I did. I quit, I quit the Wellbutrin,

Kami (16:42):
Yep. And I was like,

Eva (16:43):
Addiction is real.

Kami (16:45):
I was like, this is really, and it was one of these things that I was just sitting around and I was, I was so upset. I was stressed out. And that was the cure because I'm constantly like, okay, how can I cure this massive amount of anxiety? And it was like, Kami, you got to stop taking this medication so you can eat something and feel better.

Eva (17:08):
That's crazy.

Kami (17:10):
Yeah, it was so crazy and so intense. I just was like, this is my problem. This what's been causing these issues. Right? So I was like, I kind of felt like that was a very good revelation. Excellent progress. And then I looked at my food app and I literally had not eaten all day. So that morning we went to Costco and I had one of those mocha coffee things that they have, and I had been running around and I met with contractors, and then I talked with the adjuster, and then I'm on the phone with my neighbor who was one of the fire victims, and she's crying and I'm crying. It was just like, and then I realized, I'm thinking, I was like, why am I not hungry? And then it was like, well, Kami, you got to really stop taking this medication so you can eat and feel better. This is what's going to cure your anxiety. This is the cure of Kami is food.

Eva (18:08):

Kami (18:10):
It was so shocking. I was like,

Eva (18:14):
But then the difference is you recognized it and you said, no, it's not. And in the pre-meds, you would've just gone and got something to eat.

Kami (18:23):
Oh no. I would've already been through the drive-through before that thought even could come in my brain. And I'm like, oh yeah, I've got a lot of shit going on in my life. I deserve a burrito supreme. Let's just go get one.

Eva (18:37):
Burrito supreme. I drive by these places and look at them sometimes like, you're dead to me. Five guys. Five guys.

Kami (18:46):
Five guys.

Eva (18:47):
Cheeseburger all the way.

Kami (18:50):
Man. There was a time where I was like, I like these five guys all over me right now.

Eva (18:55):
Or the fact that I know you get more fries with a small than a large or, I mean, I'm going to five guys, cuz they're the only ones that have my purple pop and I'll just get a burger while I'm there. Just so many insidious, horrible thoughts that I'm still beating. We're both still beating them down. I owe you an update on the subpoena from last time.

Kami (19:20):

Eva (19:21):
And then I have some updates on our website that I've been working on a bunch.

Kami (19:27):

Eva (19:27):
So I was subpoenaed because I am a witness in a domestic violence case, which happened across the street from me. I don't know how much I told you about it last week, but

Kami (19:36):
Yeah, you told me, that's basically all you said.

Eva (19:38):
Yeah. I think that we maybe talked that day that the subpoena came in and then the court called me and said, can you be in court on the 23rd? And I was like, no, I'm not even going to be here.

Kami (19:53):
I was like, that's this week. Okay.

Eva (19:55):
Yeah, it's next week. My neighbor on that day, she said, don't worry about it, there's no way we're going to make it to court. It's just not going to happen. So then I actually didn't really worry about it. And yesterday she said he took a plea.

Kami (20:09):
Oh, is he going to jail?

Eva (20:12):
I don't know what's coming. That was not even, that was the first of his charges and there's more. So I'm kind of hoping this.

Kami (20:21):
So did he get jail time? Is that, that's what I was asking?

Eva (20:23):
No, but he's been out with an ankle monitor on for quite a long time, since January. He's had this ankle monitor on. He complains about it all the time. I'm like, oh,

Kami (20:31):
That's good. That's great.

Eva (20:32):
So sorry.

Kami (20:33):
Don't be a dick to people and you won't have to wear one. I mean, it's really that simple.

Eva (20:38):
How about don't beat the crap out of your wife? I don't know. Just saying you did this to yourself.

Kami (20:43):

Eva (20:44):
Yeah. So that's quiet for now and let's hope it stays quiet. And so the website I worked on a bunch, and one of the things that I really wanted to do was make a list of the doctors that I know who are doing a great job with taking care of people with weight loss programs. So that is live. If you're on, there's a list in the footer that says Trusted semaglutide and Tirzepatide providers. And I'll keep adding to it, but these are people that I work with directly or that I know personally. They're not just calling me and giving, no one's giving me any money. I'm just putting them there because I want other people to both find places they can go, but I also feel really strongly, I'm going to make a little bit of an argument here, and I know you get yours online because you have to, but I think there's a great benefit to going in in person to a plastic surgery office to get these medications because you're holding them accountable too. They're not just giving you medication, they're also making sure that medication is safe, cuz it's compounded. You're the customer in this scenario. You're not just somebody who shows up on a Zoom meeting and then they celebrate with you and they're really nice to you. And plastic surgery offices, they're really nice places to go.

Kami (22:11):
I've been to a couple, I used to get Botox on the regular.

Eva (22:13):
Right. They have good stuff.

Kami (22:15):

Eva (22:15):
And everyone that I am working with is giving their weight loss patients really good prices on lots of stuff, way better than everybody else is getting on non-surgical treatments, and I think eventually surgery if you need it. But that having that relationship, it pays off in more ways than just losing weight. So there's my commercial. I will get off my soapbox.

Kami (22:39):
No, I 100% agree. Yep.

Eva (22:41):

Kami (22:43):

Eva (22:44):
Hang in there with the HOA. Yeah, your neighbors are lucky to have you on that.

Kami (22:49):
Well, thank you. I was ready to quit before this fire because at that point I had been on the HOA for two years and then the fire happened and I was like, okay, well I can't quit now because the president at the time was one of the fire victims, so she hasn't even lived on the property for over a year. And so when we had our annual meeting last year, I took over as president, or no, that was just recently. That was not last year, that was just a few months ago. At any rate feels like an eternity, but that's fine. So I was like, I have to see this through. I'm not going to quit in the middle of the game. So I kind of feel like, okay, I'm obligated to see it through. And then once that's done and everybody's moved back in and then I'll feel like, okay, we're good. And if I want to take a step back, then I will. But we shall see.

Eva (23:47):
Whenever I think about doing really, really hard things when we're in them, they kind of feel terrible. I wish this would go away, but the thing I always remind myself of that keeps me going is that I'm going to need this for something else someday and I'm going to be really glad I did it and I don't know what it is, but I'm going to hang on and keep going.

Kami (24:07):
Yeah. Well I've learned a ton about HOAs and how they operate and how bylaws work, the legal aspects of it. So it's definitely knowledge that I will use and whatever real estate stuff I do. So anyways. Yep. Stay tuned, baby.

Eva (24:28):
Thanks mama.

Kami (24:29):
Alright honey, talk to you soon.

Eva (24:33):
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